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  • Dedicat lui Harry Styles


    We sit across from each in the living room. Harry fiddles around with his thumbs as he fears something. Lately for the past few weeks, I've seen some change in him. He's quiet and refuses to speak at times. When I talk to him, he just immediately shakes his head agreeing when I haven't asked a question. Sometimes I feel like he's trapped in his own world and won't come out.

    His green orbs narrow away from me and gaze to the floor. “Something's bothering you, Harry.” I finally urge to speak the truth. He glances up and nods his head. Again, he doesn't want to talk or say a word or two. I walk over to his side of the couch and take his hands. His eyes shut tight as tears escape.

    Harry snatches his hand away from mine, wiping the tears away from his cheeks. He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes, “There's been something bothering me for the past month. You know I love you, Rosie. So much that I would jump off the bridge just for you. We're both famous, known as the cutest celebrity couple,” his hands are moving around in the air as he tries to let everything out. But he's struggling.

    He shakes his head, curls bouncing in the air. He inhales a deep breath once more, “I think we should just break it off for a while. Just awhile, alright?” Harry tries to crack up a smile, but once a tear streams down my left cheek, he frowns and leans in to wipe it. I lean away from him and stare at him blankly. Everything was going alright. We rarely fought or argued. That's why our relationship status was “Celebrity cutest couple”

    “I'm sorry, Rosie. But, I have to go. Um, I'll just pick up my stuff in the morning before heading to New York with the lads.” The awkward tension between us is starting to build up. He wipes his own tears from his sleeve, grabs his car keys from the coffee table and shuts the door behind him. While I'm sitting here staring at the empty place around me. He left me without the reason why. Did I do something wrong? Did the paparazzi's make horrible and terrifying rumors about me again? I loved him so much, but I honestly don't know anymore.

    Starting today, I'm ending my singing career. Without Harry, I don't think continuing my career is the best. If I sing on stage in front of thousands of people watching, I'll just think of Harry and break down in the middle of the show. Therefore, I'm taking a break from all of this. 

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