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Veronica's POV

I wake up in the trunk of a car. No a SUV. I try to get out but I can't. The SUV suddenly stops. I'm being pulled out of the trunk.

"You say a word and I will kill you. You understand?" the lady says. I nod and she removes the clothe and blindfold from my eyes and mouth. Corey's mother!!! I need some catching up. I reach my hand up to the back of my neck where it hurts. Well I try but I fail miserably because my hands are tied together.

"Where are we?" I whisper not wanting to die, so I say it as quietly as I can.

Angie smirks. "Home sweet home. Where else would we be?"

Why is she doing this? I ask my wolf.

I don't know but I hope Corey didn't have anything to do with it! She growls angrily.

I agree with her and keep quiet. Angie quietly drags me through the back door. It has been storming so I was soaked though we were only out there a few minutes.

We step in and we walk to Corey's office. Well she walked while I was dragged. She knocks twice.

"Come. In." I hear Corey saying aggravated.

Angie slowly opens the door. Yes! she setting me free! Or not. She just leaves it cracked and she quickly shoves me down the hallway. We turn a corner and stop. I peek around the corner and see him stick his head out.

"Hello?" he asks to thin air.

He then steps out of the room and walks down the hall way towards where we are. Angie notices this and then pulls me further in this maze of a house. We stop at the kitchen.

"I'm not going to repeat myself after this!" Corey says now getting angry.

'Corey!' I mind link him with it now working.

'Honey where are you?'. He mind links back.

'I am-' I start. Suddenly pain goes to my neck and I scream.

"Damn it girl I told you what would happen if you said anything!" Angie says.

Then I see Corey behind her. I give him the help me look. She slings me to the floor. He looks at me apologetically but with a hint of trust me in it. Then he gives me another look that says play along. He steps beside his mother.

"Well what do we have here mother?" he asks her. Traitor!

She looks shocked and smiles. "Awe you come to help mama? that's such a good boy." She says without looking away from me. He grabs a pot. I smirk. Whoops, did I do that? My smirk immediately goes away when she snaps at me.

"What are you doing?!" she yells.

"Mother can I do the honors and knock her out?" he asks

I look at him with pure horror. I feel my cheeks grow wet. I notice then that I am crying. He steps in front of her and looks at me confused. I look away preparing blackness and pain to take over. He starts to swing...

Authors note!!!!!!!

Hey homies. What do you think happens? Do think he actually has the guts to hit his own mate? Do you think he was up against his mother or in on her plan the whole time? So many questions. I wonder will happen? stay tuned and find out!


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