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Dinner went smoothly. Everyone chattered and smiled and laughed. It was really fun. We are having a party afterwards. When a pack gets their Luna, it is the best moment of the packs entire life. Everyone looks like they are having fun and I want to join the laughing, but all I can do is stare at my food.

Corey nudges me and I glance up at him "are you ok boo?" he asks with worry. I nod and go back to playing with my food.

I stand up after a while and walk out of the room feeling all eyes following me, along with Corey on my tail.

Once we get out of hearing distance he grabs my arm and I look at him. His voice is in alpha mode and so is his face. "Where do u think your going?" he asks.

"Why I'm going to change." I reply bluntly. He glares at me.

"It is rude and most of those people out there probably feel disrespected right now!" he shouts at me.

I look at my feet and spin around. He grabs my arm and jerks me to face him again.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me missy!" he continues to shout at me.

I stare at him with anger "What are you gonna do?! Lock me in my room?! I'm not your daughter! why are you treating me like it all of a sudden?!" I scream in his face with tears stream down my face. "Stop yelling at me!" I finish and slump on the ground crying. He suddenly has me in an embrace.

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm just-I'm not in the greatest mood. All of this is so much pressure and I'm beginning to think I can't handle it. But it all stops today. I'm so sorry for yelling at you. Shhhh, stop crying baby." He unsuccessfully tries to calm me. I keep crying. Then he grabs my arms and pulls me up. He drags me to the door to the dining room. I shake my head.

"Can I clean myself up first? I don't look to good." I ask. He shakes his head and pulls me through the doors. I quickly wipe tears away. Trying to look normal. They won't notice I'm crying I hope.

I sit back down and everything is quiet. I look at everyone and they are all looking at their plates. I throw my napkin on my plate.

"That's it! I give up!" I stand up and walk to the stage and turn on the microphone. I tap on it and it echoes in the room.
"Everyone. I'm sorry but I can't take all of this. It's too much. Teaching me like I'm freakin royalty and all that crap! This is too much. I'm not who you think I am..."

Everyone looks at me like I'm turning blue. They seem ok but look like they can't breath. Except Cory. He looks confused. And overwhelmed with horror.

'What did I do wrong?' I ask my wolf.

'I don't know. This is really weird and new to me. What is going on? why are they staring at us?' she asks confused with alot of questions.

We haven't talked in a while ever since Cory's mom tried to kill me. I have missed her so much.

I continue anyways "I used to be a maid for an old family up until I was twelve. I was abused till I was sixteen. I never was the same. My grandfather beat me till I fell asleep and never cared if I even woke up. Seventeen I was a writer and my mother got them published. A few months after that, she got my grandfather executed. It was a good time but I was glad there was no more beating. Mother truer to make me the same. But I never ate or drank or left my bed. I almost died. Occasionally I try to kill myself. It was the dark ages for me. My writing and my mother kept me alive. I could not be here right now. My erge to find my mate helped too. Well, that's the story of my life." I start to cry lightly. Cory starts to clap. Everyone slowly joins. Why they clapping I don't know. I step off the stage and walk out of the room.


Mates to the alpha?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें