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After we finished our dinner, Corey's parents stayed the night. Me and Corey walked up the stairs to his bedroom. I stop and turn to Corey

"where will I be sleeping?" I ask him.

"Why with me of course. We are mates. We must sleep in the same room together. Up all night or not." He says. I stand there taking in the last sentence he just said.

I nod and we continue walking. We get to the big room. He walks in after me. I plop on the bed.

"You better get some sleep Verny. You have a big day tomorrow.". He states.

I look at him confused. He notices my confusion and continues, "My mother is taking you shopping tomorrow. And my father and I are going to buy a wardrobe and a dresser for your clothes."

I nod in return and go into the bathroom. I notice all the girly shampoo now on the side of the tub and I decide to take a shower. I realize the nightgown on the shelf. I pick it up and just stare at it. It was black and it went to the middle of my thigh. The part where it's the top of my breasts is lace black. The straps are black lace too. Then there were butterfly cut outs on the belly and back and side of the thigh which was also replaced with the black lace.

I'm going to look like a stripper in this! I complain to Sophie.

She giggles. No it won't. This isn't even close to what a stripper would wear.

I push her from my mind and stick my head out the door.

"I'm taking a shower. I'll be out in a minute." I tell Corey.

He nods and lays back on the bed turning on the television. I didn't notice that when I first can in here. I shut the door and get the shower the perfect temperature. I step in and let the water rinse all my worries away. I hope this trip goes well tomorrow.

~the next day~

I walk down the stairs wearing what I wore yesterday and Corey's mother is already waiting for me. Her face brightens up when she sees me. She runs up to me and embraces me in yet another bear hug. I smile. I wave goodbye to Corey and his father.

"Have fun girls!" Corey's father calls after us.

"We will honey!" Corey's mother call back.

We get in her SUV and we start out of the driveway.

"I want you think you could give them to me?" she says randomly. I have to blink a couple times to Realize that she just said that.

"Um. I can't make any promises. We haven't exactly got to that point in the relationship yet. We have just met yesterday." I say.

"Oh I am terribly sorry am I making you uncomfortable dear?" she says apologetically. I shake my head and smile. She nods and says 'ok'.

~one hour later(after a long drive)~

We arrive at the mall.

My wolf growls with relief. Finally. We are here. Lets get a bikini!

I shake my head and I get out of the car.

"Ma'am. I never caught your name." I told the lady. She looks at me when she gets our of the car.

"Oh. Where is my manners? My name is Angelica Rosie Smith. And I know it's Veronica but what is your full name?". She asks me.

"It's Veronica Willow Carter. My parents-" I stop and realize something ever since I got captured. "Oh my goodness Angie. I hope you don't mind I call you that. But my parents still have no trace of where I am! And I'm not apart of this pack yet!"

She looks at me worried.

She asks me something I never thought she would even ask me.
"Have you started the mating ritual yet?"

Authors note!!!!!!

Hey. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Why is Angie so worried if they have started the mating ritual yet? Stay tuned and find out! Well I will update about two more chapters today. I'm really up for this marathon thingy. Lol. Thanks. Don't forget...
once again thanks.


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