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Everything went black after my head hit the floor. I couldn't see, or breath, but I could hear everything.

"Doctor she is in here-" Cory suddenly stopped mid sentence. "Verny! it will be ok! breath breath please!" he shouts into my ear worried as hell.

I suddenly feel the doctors cold hand on my neck searching for a pulse. "Cory, there is a pulse. It's weak though. So we have about thirty minutes time, tops. Or she might go into a coma. Or even worse, not be able to breath and-"

Cory cuts him off "ok ok. We just need to do something! please help my mate an Luna. Please!" he shouts. I'm being picked up and put onto a stretcher. I cry out in pain even though I am passed out cold. I can hear but I can't respond to anything. I'm about to stop trying to breath. I can't help it. I'm being carried. We hit a but in the sidewalk from the pack house to the pack doctors place. I go out this time and I can't even hear.


I wake up with a start and I can breath. I take big breath like gasps. Cory is by my side in a second.

"Honey, are you well. Can you breath? Oh you had me so worried." He says. I nod and try my best to smile.

"I'm fine *sigh/gasp* it just hurts. My throat I-*sigh* mean. It hurts to *gulp* breath." I try to get out the best I can without crying from the pain. He looks at me sadly. Then he gives my a sad smile. I smile back, well somewhat smile. Then he laughs and shakes his head. I give him a confused look. Them he looks sad.

"Honey, I have some bad news."
I look at him and motion for him to continue. He sighs "someone poisoned your drink. I don't know who but they did. And I will find out who, and I will kill them. Slowly, painfully, and brutally." He growls with anger. I put a hand on his shoulder. I can tell I'm weak. I don't show it though.

"It's ok babe. We will figure this out together." He nods and he goes to get food. I lean back and look the ceiling. Then I drift into a deep sleep.

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