"No. I just have certain abilities" she informed me. I slightly swayed and leaned against the wall for support. I shouldn't used my magic. "Are you okay?" she asked. I managed to shake my head before my body fell limp. Crap. I need a blood transfusion. Keith is the only one that can do it.

The woman started screaming things, most likely orders. I continued to drift off as people surrounded me. Their lips were moving really fast, like when someone speaks Spanish. I softly giggled to myself. Not good! That's not good at all. I felt a pinch in my arm and I noticed a needle. It won't work.

The transfusion won't work unless it's Keith. My eyes followed the tube that led to another arm. It was Gardenia or Gar, whatever. Maybe it will work. I mean, we're triplets, it should work. I pray to the Moon Goddess that it works. Because if I die, Keith dies with me. The last of my family will die. This needs to work. I watched the blood flow out of her arm and into mine. It made my body warm.

My eyes closed as a flash happened. I was looking through Keith's eyes. He was kneeling on the ground. His skin was pale. But he was safe. He was in a hollow tree. Not the best hiding spot, but it should keep him hidden. I opened my eyes and saw the egg donor hovering over me. Her blue eyes glistened with unshed tears.

I turned to my left where Gardenia had her eyes tightly closed. David was rubbing his sisters back in a calming matter. The dark-haired monster was staring down at us with a blank face. I need to get out of here. Slowly, I sat up. The egg donor attempted to help me, but I shook my head. "I'm fine" I stated.

A man, I'm assuming he's a doctor, pulled out the needles. I stood up, my legs were a bit wobbly; but other than that, I felt normal. "It worked" I whispered. The egg donor threw her arms around me, and for the second time in the past hour, she cried on me. "Please let go of me" I said quite irritated.

The dark-haired monster growled at me. I narrowed my eyes at him while the egg donor continued to cry on me. "I said please" I stated. Still glaring at me, the man pulled his mate away from me. "I'll just be going now" I informed the happy little family.

I started to walk down the hallway. Evil monsters. They kill my father and my family right in front of me, almost kill me, kidnap me, and disrespected my father; then they save me and try to force me into their twisted family. As if I would even consider staying in this place. I hit the end of the hallway, which was a dead end.

Of course no one would fucking tell me that! I turned back around and walked past the family again. "Please don't leave" a male voice said. I know that it wasn't the man, this voice was soft. I turned to see David.

He and Gardenia slowly approached me. "Please don't go" Gardenia begged. "We just got you back. We want to get to know you" her voice slightly cracked.

I felt a pang in my chest. They didn't do anything wrong, it was just the monster and the egg donor. I felt guilty for hurting them; they're innocent. I pushed down the feeling and turned my back on them. "I can't live with the people who killed my family" I whispered.

"We're your family" the monster mumbled.

Turning around, I was ready to snap at him. But I was surprised that David and Gardenia were glaring at their father. I watched as their eyes clouded over. They were probably mind-linking each other. When their eyes went back to normal, the egg donor silently left with her mate trailing behind her as he mumbled incoherent words.

Gardenia softly grabbed my wrist when I tried to turn away. "I know that you think we're a vile people, but please, just give us a chance" she pleaded. Think they're vile? They killed my father right in front of me! "Look, you don't even have to live with us. We can get you your own house" Gardenia offered.

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