"I'll get one soon," The King said with a small smile. "A special ring for my one and only piece of shit also known as you."

"I'm flattered."

"You should be."

Eren smiled but it soon melted into a frown. "What do you think will happen now?"

"They will most likely surrender since they were at the mercy of Maria and Sina. I'm surprised that no one from Maria attacked us, but then again they probably didn't for your sake."

"Yeah..." Eren trailed off.

Levi started to get up a bit and supported himself with his elbow. Eren got up quickly and eased him back down. "You need to rest."

"Well I need to talk to Erwin. I have a lot of things to discuss with him now help me up," he said and beckoned for him.

With a sigh Eren helped him slip out of bed and wrapped one arm around his waist so that he could lean on him. They slowly made their way to the throne room since they always seemed to be there and was greeted by their tired and unhappy faces.

"Sir, you shouldn't get up after you just fell such a high height," Erwin said and shook his head as he approached the two.

"I'm fine," he answered.

"Why'd you come all the way here for? There's no need to push yourself, Your Majesty," Hanji said with a small yawn.

"I want to form an alliance," he declared as Eren tightened his grip on him.

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden? I thought you hated having allies," Erwin whispered with a raised eyebrow.

"I want to marry this idiot," he responded with furrowed eyebrows.

Eren looked away with heated cheeks and let out a little coughing sound while Hanji wiggled her eyebrows and smiled. Erwin looked a little confused at first but soon obliged and had to grin.

"There's no helping it. I was expecting you to say this from the moment you danced with him at the celebration dance."

"What do you think will happen if I do marry him? Will there be more war?" The King asked curiously.

"There will be a lot of arguments at first but it will automatically form an alliance between Sina and Maria without question, but you need the consent of Princess Mikasa and Queen Carla. Then there will also be two kings instead of one and you both have to raise Jaron."

"Speaking of Jaron, is he alright? I haven't seen him lately at all..." Levi trailed off with a look of deep thought on his face.

"He's fine but just a little lonely since everyone seems to be very busy. I'm sure he'll like Eren as a second father," Erwin said with a chuckle.

"Also, do I still need to kill more people or is this stupid war over yet? I don't mind getting my hands dirty with blood but honestly I'm a bit exhausted."

"Maria and Rose are no longer in an alliance and Rose had declared defeat and admitted surrender. They sent a letter saying that they will no longer associate with Maria and have agreed to return stolen 3DMG. I think it's great; if Sina is with Maria then I'm guessing our future will be a little less violent," Hanji added.

"Alright. Prepare a carriage."

"You're going to Maria now?" Erwin questioned.

"I want to marry him as soon as possible," he answered sternly. "Also, pack some gold into the carriage too."

"Your Majesty, are you going to bribe them?" Hanji demanded.

"No. Just a little gift," he replied with a smirk.

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