Tabloids and Family

Start from the beginning

Pausing, turning toward the direction of the question, she glared them down, "considering my reputation, it doesn't bother me one but about his. I realize we're in the public eye and so we're getting a lot of attention but let me go ahead and end the rumor mills. We are dating. We are exclusive  and no I don't care about his reputation. Have a good day everyone." She smiled and got into the Rolls Royce. 

Hopefully by the time she got back they'd be long gone. She hated being bothered on her alone time but she wasn't one for being secretive or mysterious either. That's how the hounds of the media sucked you dry in her opinion. She wasn't going to be used for their gain. Beat them to the punch and they'd die down a little. 

She checked her phone and approved requests from Morgan Images. Noting some things in her schedule and clicked off just in time to step out. Her condo wasn't any better in terms of media masses so she went through the same retort she'd given the people at Cato's. 

Once she was inside her apart she packed a few things and changed into something more presentable. She brushed her teeth, grabbed a granola bar and headed back out. The drive back went a little easier. Her mind, however, finally had time to lurk on what Cato had said before she'd left and it made her uneasy. It felt like a serious talk was about to happen and it made her uneasy. She wasn't good at these sorts of things.  She couldn't shake the dread and it dampened her mood. Hopefully Cato would let her down easy if it came to that. 

The crowds had thinned a bit when she returned, only stragglers were left, possibly ones who hadn't heard her speech. She made her way onto the elevator and hit the button to get up to Cato's. The closer she got the stiff long the tension was for her. Stepping out of the elevator, she made her way to his front door and knocked. She heard him yell "Come in." So she let herself in. 

He'd had Chinese delivered and the rich smells of the foods made her  stomach growl fiercely. He'd set played and silver out, along with drinks. "Help yourself!" He yelled from somewhere in the apartment. She made  her plate and took it to the couch. Cato's apartment was rich in old school flair but had that certain amount of masculinity that her apartment didn't. Touches of a deep brown leather furniture, antique guns hung on the walls in various displays.  Old style lanterns, metal signs. It was rustic and charming. So very much like him. 

She decided to flip through the channels to find something and settled on a ghost hunting show. She couldn't focus though because Cato still wasn't back from whatever he's been doing when she returned. As if reading her thoughts, he strolled into the kitchen. He'd showered and put on a pair of sweats. He'd left his chest bare. "Ah, sorry I wanted to shower and get rid of my morning breath. I hope you don't mind that I ordered Chinese. I figured you'd be starving by the time you got back. You didn't eat anything before you left and then you'd been gone a little longer than I thought." He said already having made his plate and sitting right next to her on the couch. 

She couldn't take it anymore. She quickly said, "Cato, if you're going to end things can you just tell me now so I can  leave and figure things out. I don't do well waiting for things I know are going to be said. Please just spill it, so I can lick my wounds. " 

Cato looked at her shocked. Shaking his head, he say his plate on the coffee table. He shifted closer to her and did the same to her good. Taking her hand, " Do you really think I'm going to end things between us?", he looked at her earnestly. 

"Well I assumed when you said you'd wanted to talk that's what you'd want to talk about." She said looking down at their hands. 

"What? No, Enya. Look. I don't know exactly how to say this so I'm just going to say it okay?  I want us to be exclusive. I want an open and public relationship with you.  I want to date you and woo you. Do all these things I've never done because you make me want to be with you. I want to get to know you, what makes your brain tick, your favorite color. All of those things we'd expect normal couples to do. Will you date me Enya?" He'd just opened up to her. 

Enya's jaw dropped momentarily. "Is that all?" She asked. The question must have offended Cato because she jumped like he'd been slapped. 

"Seriously, that's all you have to say? Jesus En--" he was saying when Enya interrupted him. "Let me finish Cato. What I meant by that was I assumed we were already dating. When I left earlier I was bombarded by cameras and questions so I laid it all out there in true Enya Morgan fashion. I told them we were exclusive and that I didn't care you were a wild playboy. I made it clear we were an item and an exclusive item at that." Cato looked dumbstruck, but then a smile spread across his face. "You told them we were a couple?" Enya nodded. Cato reached up to trace his thumb on her chin. Leaning in, he kissed her lightly and the withdrew. "Have I told you how amazing you are? You surprise and excite me in so any ways." 

They finished their food in record pace, both equally starving after last nights sex session. Once they were finished Cato looked up and said, "come, I have a surprise for you. Well a couple of surprises okay?" Intrigued Enya stood and let him lead the way to his room. Once inside he lead her to his bathroom door. He stepped aside and gestured for her to open the door. 

Slowly she turned the knob and opened the door. Shocked she stepped inside, " Wow, for me?" She turned to face him. He nodded. "I figured you'd want to shower and stuff when you came back. " she looked around. He'd run bath water and the jets were on, turning the water and bubbles, keeping it warm. He must have ordered roses because red and white petals were floating in the water, along the floor, the double vanity sinks. Scented candles were lit and the bathroom lights had been dimmed. 

Smiling she turned back to Cato, "You're right. I could use a nice hot bath right now. Why don't you join me Slick?" 

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