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Honestly I have a lot of pre-written chapters so I'm updating like crazy. You can thank me by commenting, voting and sharing😉

I can do it
I can do it
I'll get through it
But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human
I'm only human
I'm only human
Just a little human.

Alison's POV

A week has passed and everything is going great. The hole in my life is finally filled by the love of my life, Emily. I love myself again.

We're all sitting outside on the rocks during low tide when my new cell phone rings. It's an unknown number from Rosewood and I frown. No one knows my new number except the girls.

"Hello?" I say tentatively.

"Ali." A familiar voice cracks on the other end.

I stand quickly. "Jason."

They all turn to stare at me in shock or confusion. I haven't talked to my brother since I first got back to Rosewood after being on the run from A.

"Ali you have to come home." He sounds like he's crying.


"It's dad. He had a heart attack, Ali and he-he didn't make it."

My breath hitches and I drop the phone to the ground.

"Ali? Ali, are you there?" Jason's muffled voice says.

I fall to my knees. "No..." I whisper. "NOOOO!" I collapse into myself and sob.

The girls rush over to me and Emily crouched down and puts her hand on my back. "Ali, what is it? What just happened?"

"My dad's dead." I choke out. "And I never got to see him again." I can feel the familiar self-hatred growing back inside of me. "Or say goodbye." Tears stream down my face.

"What?" Emily gasps. "Well come one, we have to go back!"

I shake my head. "I can't go back."

"Don't you wanna go to his funeral? You have to be there for Jason." Spencer says.

I get up. "Fine." I sniffle and run inside, packing everything I can get my hands on. The girls follow suit. "But I'm coming back here right after."

Emily nods. "I know you are."


"Jason!" I dash up to him at the old house that we technically still own and hug him tight. He returns the hug and it feels good. It's now that I realize it was never Jason's fault. Her dad had influenced him and it's not like we were close as children. Maybe now we can be.

"Ali I'm so sorry." He sobs. "I love you."

"I love you too." I choke out.

We pull back from the hug.

"Jason... Why did this have to happen? I'm so mad at myself for not reaching out to him! I should've done something!"

He shakes his blonde head. "No. It's okay. I wasn't in contact with him either."


"Alison he never loved any of us. Not you, not me, not mom. He started to drink and I couldn't help him. He just yelled at me. So I threatened to cut ties with him if he didn't stop and he didn't. I followed through on it." He shakes his head and wipes his eyes. "I can't believe he's really gone... Both of them are gone."

I sob harder. "J-Jason I hated them so much. They were awful parents to us... B-but I want them back."

"I know. I do too."


I turn and the girls are walking up holding flowers and casseroles with sympathetic looks on their faces. Why do people even bring food to people who have dead family members?

"Hey." I try to smile.

Emily strides over and kisses me, then hugs me tight.

I welcome it gratefully. I need this. My dad is dead. So I need this.

She hands me the flowers, yellow roses, her dark tresses falling over her shoulders. "These are from me and my mom. I'm sure my dad too, but he's in Texas."

The corners of my mouth lift slightly and then fall. It's just impossible to smile for real in this situation. Maybe I'll never smile again. I can't do this.

I voice these concerns. "I can't do this." I whisper to her.

She gives me a strong look and squeezes my hand. "Yes you can."

Emily's POV

I feel so terrible. She was finally getting back on her feet and now this happens. It's like the universe just hates her.

She has to go to pick out the coffin and wants me to come with her, so I do.

I watch her beautiful face, looking so sad. Her big golden, pink-streaked curls cascade onto her shoulders and back. She moves with grace, hoping no one can see her bottom lip trembling or her electric blue eyes watering.

But I see it. She wants to cry. She's broken. With her history, I'm worried. This is just the sort of thing that can send her spirling back into depression. I can't let that happen.

Ali scratches at her nose ring, a nervous twitch that she does now as she points to the casket that she wants. She looks to Jason who agrees.

She clears her throat and looks panicked, she's about to burst into tears and I pull her out the door just before it happens.


I rub Ali's hand with my thumb as we spoon in my bed.

She turns around to face me and I cuddle her closer to me, rubbing her back.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." She whispers back. Then she's quiet for a moment. "It hurts."

I look at her in worry. "What hurts? Did you hurt yourself again?!"

She shakes her head. "My heart. It hurts. I can't-" She falters, sounding like she's choking. "Can't breathe."

"Panic attack?" I sit up and wrap her in my arms, supporting her.

"No." She takes a deep breath and sounds normal again. "No. It was different. I think I drifted off and had a dream... I don't know."

We lay back down and I kiss her softly. "You'll be alright."

"I know I will." She cuddles deeper into me. "I have you."

AN: My heart hurts. :/ Poor Ali. But at least she has Em. Because of that, this won't be nearly as bad as last time, not to worry. This storyline of her dad's death probably won't last long at all. Hope you liked! Song by Christina Perri.

- G. Schreiber

Tumblr: Gretaschreib Gretaschreiber
Vine: Gretaschreib

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