Chapter 12

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Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up to see that I was in the same place as before (because no one cares) with no scratches at all.

But people are going to get suspicious of me so I had to basically burn myself, since I'm the only one who can burn myself.

I looked to see the time... Oh crap, its 6:00 pm, even though it's early I wanted to see a shop but they close early. In fact, they closed at 5:30. "Fuck you Natsu....." I mumbled and went out the doors of the hotel.

On my way to go get something to eat I ran into.....

Sting and Rogue.

Of course I knew, they were the twin dragon slayers, duh.

"Oh... Hey...." I mumbled weakly at them staring at my feet. "Why do you look so depressed, Blondie?" Sting asked me. "Last time I checked Sabertooth didn't care about anyone but them selves" I replied. "They looked at me dumbfounded. "That's more like our master... And his daughter.... And maybe the guild members?" Sting told me rubbing the back of his head. "Well, anyways I'm going. Bye." And with that I walked off.

"What to eat, What to eat?" I asked myself and suddenly I saw a restaurant. 'Oh... Great just what I needed... A run down place that has slim to none people in it. Oh well that'll have to do...' I thought to myself walking in.

I ordered some things and ate. I payed after that and left. Since I still had 4 hours and a half I decided to go to the park and watch the sun go down.

All of a sudden I see a shadow to my right. I just move my eyes towards the movement but don't move my head, otherwise it would look a lot more obvious.

Suddenly the person moved to where even my eyes couldn't follow. I decided to melt into the shadows without anyone noticing.

I walk over to where the person was and it was...


I'm sorry it's short and don't kill me for not updating quickly and schools starting :( I'm sorry *sob*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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