Chapter 6

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Lucy's P.O.V

I was really sad when Lyon left but I mean he has to go other wise he's going to get spun which is not fun.

I headed to the guild and barely opened the door. Since I saw shadows I just did shadow dragon slayer magic and hid in them.

It seriously broke my heart to see them kissing but I got over it with Lyon. I decided to go to the request board and I saw one request in Margaret town. (By lamia scale's guild) i decided to take the request.

I returned back to normal and handed Mira the request. I headed to my apartment to start packing. 1,000,000 jewels! There are nanolillie goblins that are attacking us! Please help!

So I packed my bags and headed towards the train station. I bought the tickets and sat down. *sigh* it'll take 10 hours to get there!! How boring.

I sat near the window and rested my head on it. I plugged in my ear buds and listened to Fall Out Boy. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up to the PA saying all passengers please depart from the train. We arrived at Margaret Town.

I happily stepped off the train and got my luggage. I headed towards the hotel and unpacked my things. Since it was around 10:00 pm I decided to look around and try to find the mayor. I asked around and I finally found him.

"Are you the person who accepted my request?" "Yes sir." I said. "But you're only one person..." "I can handle it by. My. Self." I replied.

"Okay well here's the deal nanolillie goblins are attacking specific people. Most likely people with blonde hair and a girl. Which you fit the description."

After he told me all the details I headed off to where they hide. In the dark forest. I headed there and already defeated one goblin easily. Then more and more came. I defeated them all easily because since I was alone I could use my various powers. I headed back to the mayor and asked him for my reward.

"Huh?! That quickly?! You're not even injured!!" "What did you want me to be injured?!" "No, no, no! I'm just saying it's surprising." he said and sweat dropped. "Well thanks for the payment" I said after he handed it to me.

I went to the hotel and slept.

In the morning I headed towards Lamia Scale. I opened the doors and everyone stared at me. "Fairy!!" Most people shouted. I just skipped upstairs and knocked on masters door. "Come in!" Ooba shouted. I walked in. "Mistress!" I said and hugged her. "Lucy darling! Aren't you supposed to come back 3 months from now?" She said hugging me back. "Well... yeah but I just really needed to see you since I haven't for so long. I missed you!" I said.

Lyon was at the bar until he saw Lucy. He wondered what she was doing. She just skipped up the stairs and knocked on mistress's door. "Come in!" She shouted and Lucy walked in.

I wonder what she's doing in there? He thought.

"I just happened to see a job request in Margaret Town so I accepted it that's why I'm here. But since I knew Lamia Scale was here I decided to visit you, grandmother!" I said to her. She just laughed and smiled. "You're always thoughtful and kind. That's what I like most about you." She said. "You're too kind Mistress" I said. She laughed. "I'm sorry but I have to go back to Fairy Tail right now, I wish I could stay longer but I can't." I said and pouted.

"Don't worry dear. You'll be back here soon!" She said to me. "I know but 3 months is so loooonnggggg" I reply. She laughs.

"Anyway I'll see you at the magic games grandmother!" I say happily. "Alright. But I want to see you on breaks dear, okay?" "Okay mistress" I reply.
----down stairs-------

"I think the fairy's dead" most people say. Lyon got worried because most people are in and out of there in a flash. And Lucy has been in there for 10 minutes!!!!

Yuka came to me and said "I think we should check on her" "I agree. Let's go" I said. We went upstairs and knocked on the door. "Who is it?! Ooba shouted. "It's us! Lyon and Yuka." Lyon said. We opened the door to see Lucy smiling and Ooba smiling.

"She can smile?!?!?!" Yuka and I exclaim. "c'mon grandma, tell me you were giving them a hard time right?" Lucy asked her. "Yup I sure was." She said happily. "Good I see you haven't lost your touch." Lucy said. Mistress laughed.

"She can laugh?!?!?!!" We said surprised. "You know you shouldn't barge in here like that boys. And for that you'll get a spin later." "Nooooo!!" We yell. Lucy laughs at them and comes out of the office, the. Goes downstairs.

"I'll see you later mistress!!! And also remember Lion!!!! Bye!!!!" She says happily. "Mistress comes out and waves at her. "Bye Lucy!!" She said.

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