Chapter 5

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Lucy's P.O.V

(Still in nightmare)


Until he goes and reached for the knife stained with blood. He puts it against his throat. "No don't do it Zeref-kun!!" I shout at him he just mouths 'I'm sorry' and with that he slits his throat.

"NOOOOOOO! Why......why...... why does it always have to be me?...." I screech.

I wake up sweating and panting. Wait where's Lyon?! "Lyon?! Are you here?!?" I yell. Then I look at the bed. All I see is blood. Blood that belongs to Lyon....

And then I wake up for real this time. "Lyon?! Are you there?!" I ask not being able to stand the silence I go to see the bed sheets all ruffled up with no Lyon...

The I see him sitting on the couch where I used to be... Wait WHAT?! How did I not notice him?!

Now that I think about it I did remember some hands shaking me. Oh! He was probably trying to wake me from my nightmare.

"Are you alright?" Lyon asks sincerely. "Y-yeah I just had a bad dream. That's all." I say putting on a fake smile. "You know fake smiles don't suit you. You should smile when you are actually happy." Lyon says. I just remove the smile that was on my face and drop down on the ground hitting my back against the wall and start crying silently.

Lyon came over and held me in his arms, where I felt so warm. I calmed down almost immediately and fell asleep there.
Lyon's P.O.V

Lucy started crying against the wall, on the floor so I went over there and I just held her in my arms which felt so right.

She eventually fell asleep in my arms, and since I didn't want to wake her I just rested my head I top of hers and fell asleep.
----------in the morning---------------

I woke up a little before 7:20 and looked down. Lucy looked pretty damn beautiful sleeping in my arms peacefully. I blushed red at the thought.

All of a sudden I felt Lucy grab my shirt from behind and pressed her face against my chest. Ummm well this is weird but I'm not complaining about a girl who is hu-GEEZ WAKE UP FROM YOUR PERVERTED THOUGHTS!!!!! I yell inside myself.

I felt Lucy loosen her grip and look up. She saw me and looked back down. I wonder what the matter. I thought. "Is something wrong?" I ask her. All of a sudden my stomach feels warm. She shakes her head. "Is it too warm in here since you're an ice Mage?" She asks me. "Well... usually we prefer cooler climates" I tell her wondering what she going to do.

She looks at the thermostat and turns the knob just by turning her hand without actually touching it.

Whoa that's awesome. I want to know how she did that. But before I could ask she whispered something and what appeared in her hand was the lamia scale emblem but in ice!!!

"W-wa-wait isn't that ice make magic?! And you're a celestial Mage aren't you?!" I stutter. "Well.... that's true but I have other powers, but I'm not supposed to reveal them." And then she makes snow flakes in the air and smiles.

Wow she really awesome but I wonder why she acts like she always needs help. "If you have these radical powers then why don't you use them. I bet you'd be more powerful than Natsu, Titania, Gray, and other members." "Because I'm actually on a mission... that involves me being in another guild for 8 years...."she answers truthfully looking into my dumb struck face.

"W-wait you're o-originally f-from another g-guild?!" "Yup and also I have to stay undercover. That's why Ooba sent me on this mission. She thought I would be a perfect person for it." She replied. "W-Wait OOBA!!?? That's our guild master!!!" "And also mine" she comments.

"Soooooo...... you're from Lamia Scale too then?..." "Yup!!!!" She exclaims while reaching the end of her shirt. She pulls it up enough so I can see her left hip. She casts a spell and an ice blue lamia scale emblem appears. But then she reverses the spell making it go away.

"That's cool! So are you coming back to lamia after this year?" (7years on island and before that wasn't actually one year.) "yeah because I want to see Ooba again and all of the new members." She says.

'Yessssss I get to have this hot- WHAT?!?!??' I thought. "So when's your final month?" "Right after the GMG." She says. "Great! That's 3 months from now meaning they have to tell us next week who's going to attend it." I exclaim happily. Wait a sec why am I happy? Oh because I l- NO YOU DONT!!!!!!

"Yeah I'm really happy. Although I don't want to go because then I might have to fight against Lamia." She says the last part sadly. "Well we can always just cross our fingers that we don't cross paths during the game." I said. "True... Although I want to see you when you go away...." "oh well then here's my number" I said holding a piece of paper with numbers on it. "Really? Thanks!! Here." she hugs me then gives me her phone number.

"I'm sorry to drop it in you but I have to go because they're expecting me to come back to the guild at 7:00 so I'm sorry I have to go... But thanks for everything Lucy we should call or text each other at 7:30 every night, that way we can keep in touch." I say. "Good timing I'm always free at that time"she giggles which is music to my ears. . . . . Why am I having these thoughts?!? "Oh and also Lion you cannot tell a single soul about this. Don't even tell Ooba that you know, even though she already knows. Because that's going to earn me extra twirls....." "Okay... and Lion?!" "Yeah, Lion it's my new nickname for you." She says happily. "Thanks... Tiger..." I say hoping she won't say anything mean about it. She just giggles at my nickname. "Alright well you better get going other wise you could miss the train!!" "Okay, okay! I'm going" I say in between laughter.
---------at the train station-------------

"*sigh* hmmm.... well at least I'll get to talk and text to her at 7:30..." I mumble already kind of bored because right now it's 8:00 am and it's a 10 hour train ride so I have an hour before I have to be at the guild.

I get on the train and put my head against the window. All of a sudden I see Tiger in the crowd waving to me. I wave back and I see she spotted me through the window. I laugh at her actions. She's really kind hearted......

A Lyon and Lucy Story (Fairy Tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now