chapter 21- FIFA with the hockeyheads

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"But the game" I whined

"Its not on until a few hours. Until then, we can sleep." He looked at me with a small smile

"No, come on. Brayden and Ryan are going to wonder what's taking so long." I tried to sit up but Mitch held onto my arm

"So? They can wonder."

"Mitch, you don't make sense when you're tired. I'll be downstairs, come down when you're awake." I walked out of his room and turned the light on as I left. "And don't go back to sleep!" I grabbed my laptop and went back downstairs

"Well, you took your time." Brayden said from the couch

"Oh, hush. Morning Ryan." I turned on my laptop and logged onto twitter.


"Hey, Bek! It's starting!" Ryan screamed from the living room

"Wait! I can't find my charger! Call FIFA and tell them to delay the match!" I screamed back as I ran around my room. I needed my charger so I could talk to the cube guys and my family about the finals match. 'Where is it?" I yelled

"Hate to break it to you, but I don't think all of FIFA will pause the finals match just so you can look for your charger." Ryan shouted back

"Did you check my room?" Mitch yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I ran to his room, and low and behold, there was my charger on his desk.

"Thank you!" I unplugged the charger and ran to the stairs

"Hurry, you're missing kick off!" Brayden yelled

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs and into the living room. "You liars! They're showing the pregame ads! I hate you!" I lightly punched Brayden's arm. "So, Mitch, do you still think America isn't going to win? I mean, they are in the final two." I plopped myself on to the couch, directly in front of the tv.

"I don't know, Japan's team looks pretty good. They beat England." Mitch shrugged as he took a seat

"You're just saying that because you lost to England." I rolled my eyes

"Hey! We don't talk about it!" Mitch poked my cheek. "No! No! Wait! I didn't mean to start a poke war! Truce?"

"Truce." I ruffled his hair

"I'm not a dog." He pouted

"What did I just witness?" Ryan asked as he sat down on the other side of me

"Its called friendship Ryan, look it up." I favorited a tweet that was talking about the World Cup

"Doesn't look like friendship to me, it looks like something else." Brayden sat down on the other side of Mitch

"We do have more than one couch, you guys know that right?" Mitch turned the volume up on the TV

"Yes, but we need to supervise. We're like the clingy overprotective parents." Brayden stretched his legs out in front of him

"I need to make sure that no one hurts my little Bek." Ryan wrapped his arms around me in a joking manor.

"I hate you both." I escaped from Ryan's arms

"Same here." Mitch nodded


"Oh my god!" I screamed as I jumped on the couch. "Did you see that? Did you see it?" I screamed as I sat back down. "Mitch! Did you just see that?" I grabbed his shirt and motioned wildly to the TV.

"Yes, I saw it, Bek." Mitch laughed at my crazy behavior

"Four goals! We just scored four goals and it hasn't been twenty minutes yet!" I yelled at the TV. I knew that the final's game would be intense, but not this intense.

"Yes, we know. We watched it too." Ryan laughed at me too

"Can I start a chant? USA! USA! USA-" I was cut off by Mitch who put his hand over my mouth

"Or you could not start a chant and just watch the game?" He suggested. We continued watching the game, with me cheering every time we saved a goal and complaing every time we missed the goal. "Bek, calm down. It's okay." Mitch noticed my intense concentration on the screen. I had stopped cheering and was now glaring daggers at the screen, the Japanese were getting really close to the goal.

It was a few minutes away from half time and Japan had the ball and they were very close to the goal. They kicked it and I screamed as it went in. "No! What? No!" I hyelled in frustration

"It's all right, you're still up by three. There's still another half left." Mitch gave a small laugh at my grumpy behavior. As the half came to an end and the break started, I scrolled through twitter. I saw the guys' tweets about my game watching behavior.

"It's not my fault that I'm taking this game serious." I pouted

"Over seriously you mean." Brayden laughed as he came back from the kitchen with a bag of popcorn.

"So I'm patriotic, sue me." I logged onto Facebook and looked to see is anyone had messaged me. The break was filled with us sitting on the couch, scrolling through our social media. Once the game came back on, it was the same as the first half. I screamed when Japan scored again and cheered when the US scored their fifth goal. "It's the last thirty seconds and we're up by three!" I shook Mitch's shoulder wildly. "We won! We won! First time since 1999 baby!" I jumped up in excitement

"Congratulations" Ryan laughed at me as I jumped up and down in front of him.

I flopped back down onto the couch and leaned against Mitch. "Okay, now I'm exhausted. Let me know when the medal ceremony starts." I closed my eyes, I didn't sleep but I just kinda zoned out.

"Hey Mitch, take a picture, it'll last longer." I heard Brayden laugh, but he was cut off my a loud thump. "Ow!" These boys were weird, why did I hang out with them?

"Hey Bek, the ceremony is starting." Mitch nudged me. We sat in silence, as we watched the two teams get their medals.

"See? I told you we would win. Never underestimate the power of America!" I smiled at Mitch while I stuck him tounge out

"Fine, you told me so. Happy?" Mitch stuck his own tounge out at me

"Well, I should get going so I can get home before dark. Brayden you ready?" Ryan stood up. "Bek, stop flirting with Mitch. I need a hug."

I rolled my eyes as I got up and hugged Ryan. "Bye hockeyhead. I'll miss you."

"Don't worry, we'll hang out later. Bye Mitch!" He and Brayden started walking to the door

"Bye Ryan! Bye Brayden!" Mitch called as he turned the TV off. "Well, I need to upload a video. You can come with if you want?" He suggested as he put the snacks away that we had out during the game

"I'm good. I need to catch up on some videos, maybe in a bit?" We both walked up the stairs and turned seperate ways, going into our own rooms. I laid down on my bed and clicked Graser's recent Cube episode to see what I've missed on the server. After that, I clicked on Straub's episode of the election results. I was glad that they did edit the part of Mitch and I laughing, but the chat was still talking about how we muted our mic. I rolled my eyes, it wasn't just the hockeyheads, all my friends were weird.

I.R.L. (A MrMitch361 Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang