Chapter 7: Realization

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Last time, Ash dropped from the cage and went to go look for help. He bumped into Calem and his Meowstic. With their help, he managed to create a help signal and gather the others. The teacher understandingly allowed the students to make their own decision- to wait, or to take action?

ASH: I realized something. Beside her was a white, small, and furry Pokémon!

EVERYONE (but Paul): White, small, and... Furry?

CLEMONT: I've never heard of any Pokémon as you described. So the only possible way... Is for...

PAUL: *Sighs* I think Clemont was the only one who got an idea on it. The Pokémon must have been shiny.

CLEMONT: The Pokémon that would fit your description would be a shiny Eevee.

DAWN: My guess is Serena had found the shiny Eevee, the one that those kidnappers were after, and caught it. If it was for illegal trading, they would also need the Poké ball, which Serena has.

BARRY: So, what you guys are saying now is... They kidnapped Serena for the Poké ball of the shiny Eevee she had caught to sell for money. And so... Holy Arceus, the kidnappers are-

ASH: Pokémon Hunters!

MAY: *Claps hand over her mouth* Okay, we may not be a hundred percent sure, but if that's true, Serena's in a lot of danger!

ASH: And even though we only spent a morning with her, Serena doesn't seem like the type of girl who would just give up easily. *Grimaces* Which only leaves them one choice.

After this, everyone was silent. Even Paul didn't have a sarcastic remark to throw out there. Then, Ash breaks the silence.

ASH: We NEED to go after them!

PAUL: We don't know where they are, though. By now, they're most likely long gone.

CLEMONT: *Glasses turn white* The future is now, thanks to SCIENCE!

The young inventor pulls out a weird radar device from his backpack.

CLEMONT: Clemontic Gear, ON! I call it... The Pokémon Hunter Hunter 1000!

All at once, Dawn complains about the name, Ash says "Science is so amazing!", Barry says "pshh that's nothing", Paul clicks his tongue disapprovingly, and May comments on how it's going to blow up again.

CLEMONT: You see, I thought we would encounter a situation PRECISELY like this one.

EVERYONE: *Sweat drops* You DID?


Clemont flips a switch on a lever, and the machine perks up. Clemont goes on and on about his scientific explanation behind his invention.

CLEMONT: ...and this radar will sense it. The compass embedded into the base of the machine will show the direction of where the Pokémon Hunters are!

The compass points to about northwest, so the group unwillingly decided to follow the direction. After about ten minutes of walking, the machine makes a funny noise.

MAY: Run, it's gonna blow!

And the invention does, so the group thinks of another plan to follow the craft. They all decide to go back to where Serena was imprisoned. Then, Ash noticed a bit of white fur on the ground. He noticed another clump of Pokémon fur.

ASH: Guys, look!

The clumps of fur turned out to be a trail headed northwest. So, Clemont's device did its job well until it blew up.

ASH: *Thinks* Serena... I'm coming for you!

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