His Next Victim Part 25

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His Next Victim

Chapter 24

Jade’s POV

Cain gave the man a sheepish smile, while I gave him a genuine one. “You always said that I couldn’t get married without you there.”

Bob nodded at me.  “I wanted to see my goddaughter being married.  I would have liked it better if you would have called me earlier.”

“Yeah, but then you would have tried to stop us,” I told him.

Bob hesitated before nodding again. “Now, let’s get your pretty little ass in these handcuffs.”

“What is the other pair for?” Jeff asked curiously.

Bob swung them from one hand. “What are these for?  Well, it seems like someone shot an agent.  In my opinion, that means he needs to be taken in.”

Cain looked at him with surprise.  “He tattled?”

“You thought the man would keep quiet?  He’s hated you as long as you’ve hated him,” Bob said while rolling his eyes. “Now, you two come down here and make things easy.”

I walked down towards him without hesitation.  I had called the man for a reason.  I didn’t want to have to worry about them trying to catch us anymore.  I didn’t want Cain to feel obligated to stick by me.

“I made him shot the agent.  Everyone will believe me; you might as well leave him alone.  You know how convincing I can be,” I told Bob with a smile.

He hesitated before nodding. “You would have everyone believing that you had a gun to Cain’s head.  I’ll let the man stay here, but consider it a wedding gift.”

I gave him a tiny smile. “That’s why I called you and not someone else.”

“Wait, you called him!” Cain yelled in shock.

I didn’t turn to look at him as I continued to walk towards Bob. “You want my hands behind my back?”

He shook his head. “You could get out of them just as easy behind your back as you could with them in front of you.  I would prefer to be able to see your hands.”

“You know I would never do anything to hurt you,” I told him offended.

“It’s not me I’m worried about.  When I bring you in, I don’t want you killing any of my men,” he said with a smile.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Whatever floats your boat.”

I lifted my hands out, and watched as he snapped the handcuffs around my wrists.  He gave me a pained smile while he tugged on my arm to get me moving.  I walked in my tennis shoes behind him.  My dad might have remembered the dress, but the man always forgot the shoes.

“Hey, Bob!” Jeff called out as we reached the doors. “Did you find anything on me?”

“No, but keep your mouth shut before I bring you in for being a smartass,” Bob threw over his shoulder.

The last words I heard as I stepped out the chapel was Jeff calling out, “You should let her keep the handcuffs when we come to get her out.  You know how Jade is!”

Bob and I let out a laugh, but continued are decent towards his car.  He opened the back door and I slid in slowly.  The door shut behind me making reality set in.  This was it; I was going in, and there was nothing that could stop it.  My prints would now be in the system.  My name would now be in the system. 

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