Chapter Fourteen: The Second Wave

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Chapter Fourteen: The Second Wave

It was a week before the enemy came back. The girls were anxious, but kept themselves busy with training in the martial arts and with their new weapons. Sailor Aldebaran still had not chosen a physical weapon, and had decided she did not want one. She learned how to use every one else's just in case they could not carry on at the suggestion of Neo Queen Serenity.

Sailor Aldebaran found herself in consult with the queen quite a number of times for her advice, which always seemed to find Aldebaran peace of mind, and Sailor Aldebaran was grateful for whatever advice would be thrown her way. Although her mind was focused on the task at hand, her heart kept finding a way to sneak back to thoughts of home and her family and friends. She hoped they were still okay. She hoped that maybe the enemy decided to leave everyone alone. Hoped that Maude was in her childhood home.

The girls were taking a break and walked about the castle. They had trained practically nonstop since the first battle, only taking time to eat, sleep and freshen up. King Endymion and Neo Queen Serenity decided that they could have the rest of the day to recuperate. They left the girls to their own devices, and Sailor Aldebaran decided to just hang out in her room.

It was about two hours before her peace was interrupted when someone knocked on her door.

"Come in." She called once awoken from her trance. Slowly and quietly the door opened. "Sailor Venus!" Aldebaran stated in surprise.

"Hello Aldebaran." Sailor Venus greeted. "I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, I was in a trance though."

"Neo Queen Serenity wanted me to come and talk to you. She was in conference with our king, who said you seemed to be distracted today." Sailor Venus explained as she sat down next to Aldebaran at the little bistro set in the room. "Is everything all right?"

"Yeah, kind of. It will be once all this is over and I can go home."

"Feeling a bit homesick, then?"

"Definitely. I just want everything to be back to normal when I return. No enemy invasion. That kind of thing."

"I hope, for your sake, that everything is back to normal." The blonde caringly said. "How do you feel about battling?"

"I want this enemy to be finished. I think we'll be okay now that we know what we're up against."

"It's good to hear you have confidence. I was just talking to Princess Usagi and she is worried."

"Oh?" Aldebaran stated. "We've trained a lot more this past week. We have been taught all we can learn at the moment. We just need to remember training strength and battle strength are completely different."

Just then the alarm sounded.

"Time's up. Hope you've rested enough." Sailor Venus stated as she and Aldebaran ran out the door.

"I have. You go protect the queen. I'll meet up with everyone."

With that, the two went in their separate ways. Aldebaran met up with everyone in the training room to get their weapons and headed out to the same positions they took once before.

"Are we ready for this?" Juno asked as she got to her position.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Polaris answered.

"Weapons at hand, power in our hearts. We must do our best, to defend what we hold most dear." Mini Moon stated.

"Be ready Sailor Mini Moon. We might have more enemies to deal with this time around." Vesta warned. "We were outnumbered 15 to one last time. This time it might be doubled."

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