Chapter 14

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Zayn's P.O.V

"What do you mean 'have a talk with everyone.'?" "I mean...go and sit down to a conversation." Well duh. "Alright. Let's go." We got in my car and drove off. The whole ride I was thinking of what I was going to say.

Jada's P.O.V

Me and the boys were sitting in the yard when I heard a door slam. I sat up and saw Dalea and Zayn walking toward us. I walked up to Zayn and slapped him. "What the heck?!" "Shut up Daela I didn't hit him last time Daela walked up to me. She looked down at me, considering she's 5'7" and I'm only 5'3" (I'm short okay? AN: I'm not really that short :D) "don't slap him." "Why?! Am I upsetting the happy couple?!"

Soon we were all yelling at each other. "Will all of you stop yelling?! This is why Karson left!"

Niall stepped up. He's been all sad face for 3 weeks. We all stopped and he left. I wonder what's happening with Karson...I haven't talked to her in a while...

Karson's P.O.V

3 weeks. It's been 3 weeks since I've seen any of 'em. Niall has kept me up to date with everything. Since it's the summer I've been doing.


I decided to text Jada since she's all the way in the U.S.

"Hey Jada. I'm sorry it's took me so long. I've been busy...not! ;) anyway! What's happening with 'Daela'? -Karson

"Long story. Zayn just came and Niall feeling bad... :/ I'm sorry I can't talk now. Gotta move rooms. Ttyl :* -Jada"

I decided that I should probably call Niall. I dialed him but it went straight to voicemail. "That's weird" I mumbled to myself. I plopped down on my bed. I fell asleep hoping that me and Niall were okay...

-Next Day-

Louis' P.O.V

Did I seriously kiss Jada? Since her and Zayn obviously aren't together anymore we had to change rooms (we still live in the American house) these are our new rooms.

Niall and Zayn

Me and Harry

Liam and Jada have their own rooms.

Niall and Liam went grocery shopping and Zayn was with Daela. Harry was at Ed's house doing something. So, that left me and Jada ;)

She was sitting on the couch wearing sweats and a tankop. Her long auburn hair was in a messy bun and she had no makeup on. (She doesn't need it). She had a bag of chips and was just eating. When you looked at her at her green eyes you could tell she's been crying.

When she looked at me she just finished her bag of chips. She got up, went to the kitchen and came back with a gallon full of chocolate ice cream. She took a spoonful then sat back down.

I walked over and looked down. "Get dressed." "What's the point?" "The point is you need to get out of the house." "Why? I'm perfectly fine right here." I shook my head. "No you're not. You know how I know?" She shrugged. "Because we used to have a kitchen full of food." She whimpered. "I know! I'm a fat lard!" "No Jada! That's not what I meant. Just get dressed. We're going out. Just me and you. Sound good?" She thought it over for a second then nodded. "Great. It's 2:45 now we'll leave around 4:00 k?" She smiled and nodded. She ran upstairs. (I guess to get ready.

I sat on the couch and thanking my lucky stars that that this might actually work.

A.N: So? You liking me now?


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