Chapter 5

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Zayn's P.O.V

Her body fit like a puzzle piece against mine. She fell asleep after a day of nothing. I brushed a piece of stray hair out of her face. She smiled and turned towards me. Before I knew it she wrapped her arms around me.

Louis came in and looked at us. His face filled with a mixture of hurt and anger. He left and started talking with Harry. I knew he liked Jada he has ever since Niall showed us a picture of her. I thought she was beautiful and when her lips hit mine I knew I was in love.

Jada twitched in her sleep so I got up and went outside. The boys looked up then continued to make breakfast. I sat down beside Liam and then Karson and Jada came out of their tents. Even with her hair messed up and one of Niall's shirts and a pair of shorts she was beautiful. She smiled at the smell of food. She plopped down beside Niall and Louis. Louis smirked at me then started a conversation Jada. Great I'm gonna have to fight for her. I'm not afraid to though.

Jada's P.O.V

Things between Zayn and Louis were getting tenser by the minute. They seemed to be having a competition to get to be the closest to me. I decided to go swimming. I put on my neon green swimsuit and went out to the water. I was just about to jump in when someone grabbed me. I was expecting Karson or one of the boys.

I was wrong.

The person gagged me then put a pillow case over my head. He through me in a trunk. Hard. I winced in pain. "Shut up." I took his advice. He started the engine and we drove for what seemed like ages. We stopped and the mysterious kidnapper picked me up and let his hands wander as we went towards what I assumed was a house.

"Put her on the couch." A female voice said. I got thrown on a couch. "Pull it off." A bright shown as I saw a familiar face.

"Katie?" I mumbled. She just smiled and slapped me. I groaned in pain. "Didn't I tell you not to use your brother to get to the boys?" The memories came back.


"Hey Jada! We all know what you're gonna do now that Niall's famous." Katie yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Please enlighten me Katie because I am dying to know." She smirked.

"You're gonna use him so you can sleep with the other boys." My eyes got wide. "I'm not a slut Katie like you!" She punched me. For a little girl she can punch.


She took the gag out.

"How did you know we were at that campsite?" She laughed her fake laugh. "Jada sweet innocent naive Jada. I stalk Harry Styles I know his every move." I rolled my eyes.

"Put her in the basement."

"What? No!" It was too late to call for help the man had already put me in a dark moldy basement.

"Please Niall find me.

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