"beautiful" I repeated and he nodded "have you never been called that?" he asked "never in my life, not by my mom or dad or family." I shook my head.

"cara I'm sorry but you have a fucked up life" he sighed and I laughed. I didn't deny its true I have one fucked up life; and I don't know what do about that.

"Let loose cara" he sighed, I nodded and looked at the sky. The stars were twinkling and I was amazed, I never really stayed outside looking at how beautiful the stars were. I was told they were 'magical' but I never really believed it.

"oh nice" he said and I looked at him "make a wish cara" he smiled. I wish my life wouldn't be so fucked up, and that I would have friends by my side.

I looked at Matt and he opened his eyes, he stayed quiet and never asked what I had wished for. "why is it eleven o'clock?" I asked and he shook his head "it was a shooting star" he smiled.

Matt probably wished for Allison to like him or for a new principal a girl perhaps. I looked at the time and saw that it was 1:00 am "holy shit matt it's one o'clock in the morning" I said and he chuckled "it's okay" he shrugged "my parents" I said and he shrugged "let loose sometimes it's good to break the rules" he smirked.

I laid down and looked at the sky, I never really thought of breaking the rules. Maybe that's why I'm too scared to get out, my sister was always home before the curfew and I was with her. We always listened to our parents and never broke the rules. Of course I broke so many already, going to parties, drinking, getting arrested, and staying outside late.

Of course matt broke rules all over the place, school, house, and public areas. He sat up and turned around looking for something, "did you hear that?" he asked. "no" I shook my head and then heard a cracking noise.

We got up and saw a couple of people coming "shit" he said "matt was this a private area?" I asked "maybe" he shrugged.

The flashlight went toward us and we heard a "hey", he grabbed his phone and I did too. He grabbed my hand and ran, "matt" I said and he kept running.

I stopped and he was yanked back a little "it's just the group" I laughed and he sighed. We went toward them and they began laughing, I saw Dylan walk towards me and he gave me a random hug.

"he must have yanked your arm" he said and I shrugged "it didn't hurt" I said and we brought our attention to the rest of them.

"Well I got to get g -"

"I'll drive you home" Dylan smiled and Allison glared at him.

"have fun guys" dylan smiled and walked toward his car, I looked at matt and waved "bye" I said and left.

When me and dylan got in the car he looked at me "thanks for following, I needed allison away from me" he chuckled. "yea well give them time" I smiled and looked at allison and matt talking. "Who?" Dylan asked "no one just the group" I said, I'm a terrible liar.

"cara, have you ever thought of relationships?" he asked and I shook my head not paying attention.

"I'm trying to ask you on a date" he chuckled and I looked at him.

"what?" I asked "tomorrow wanna go get like I don't know ice cream?" he asked.

Say yes cara.

What if it's a joke. "sure" I smiled and he nodded "after school I'll take you" he smiled and I nodded.

He drove off and began driving to my house, the car was silent and I heard the music a little. We finally got to my house within 15 minutes, I looked at the time and it was already 3:00 in the morning.

"Thanks" I smiled "see you to tomorrow" he yelled and I nodded waving to him.

Once he left I climbed onto the roof and opened my window. The alarm went off and I ran inside closing my window and went under my covers. I pretended to go to sleep and heard the alarm turn off, I plugged my phone in and when I heard my door open I closed my eyes and pretended again.

The door closed and I opened my eyes to see that they were gone, I grabbed my PJs and changed into them. I jumped back into bed and saw matt at my window, I shook my head and he opened it making the fucking alarm go off again. He closed it and hid under my bed, I heard my parents groan and turn it off completely.

I then heard a door close and got up dragging him out of my bed. "what the fuck is your problem?" I asked "allison rejected me" he sighed. He sat on my bed and I sat next to him, "sorry to hear that" I said and he played with his fingers.

He nodded and looked at me "so this is what I get" he scoffed "rejection. I ask a girl out for the first time and she rejects me" he shook his head.

"maybe it's a sign that she wa -"

"have you been asked out be - nevermind" he shook his head "yea" I nodded "wait what? when?" he asked "not to long ago" I said and he frowned "by who?" he asked "dylan" I said and he laid on my bed.

"I knew he liked you" he said and I laid down next to him "yea well I didn't" I said and he looked at me "are you going?" he asked.

"yea why not" I shrugged "oh" was all he said minutes later he spoke again "why?" he asked. "because I want to feel how it's like to have a crush" I said and he chuckled.

"a crush is when you likes someone. Not when they like you" he explained "oh well sorry for being stupid" I rolled my eyes "yea getting straight A's is being stupid" he scoffed.

He got up and smiled "what now?" I asked "have fun with your date" he shrugged. "bye" I rolled my eyes and he chuckled then left.


Hello everyone :~) hope you liked this chapter. But oml Cara and Dylan going on a date ajbsjsbsbs. Also allison rejecting matt ouch. Sorry this sucked :~( I'll update soon ! & 1700 words.

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bye loves ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

xoxo manda ☼

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