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Yeeeeeahhhhhh I know..... I'm sorry. T.T but this chapter was so freaking hard to wriiiiiiiittteee.

Ciel slowly looked at me."you think?!"i stuck my tounge out at him.i walked over to the mayor. I crouched down next to the mayors body." Can't say I'm sorry to see you like this but..."I gently closed his eyes"no one ... Not even you deserves to die like this. Sayonara."i said softly.

I stepped away as the townspeople dragged his body away, angela following after them. Sebastian placed a hand on my shoulder"you alright?" I nodded and hugged Ciel. "You havnt even wavered at the sight of that..."

ciel scoffed "Dont even start. I already know what your going to say, since you think I'm a child I should be scared by that. But I'm not a chi-" "yes you are a child. Weather you like it or not. But just because you're a child dosn't mean you should be scared of that. I know children that are seven and are professional assasins.

But only the strong ones are. The ones that know what the world is really like. The world is cruel and cold... That's why people are given emotions. To fill the cold void with warmth. "

I said smiling down at him. Ciel stared up at me in shock. I giggled and crouched down."your so cute sometimes ototo-san. " I said while kissing his forehead. He blushed in embarrassment."s-shutup!" We suddenly heard laughing. I turned to look at Sebastian "hahaha. Humans truly are the most intriguing creatures." I grinned and shook my head. Bard tilted his head curiously." Sebastian what ya talkin 'bout?"

Sebastian just shook his head."I was just makeing a statement. Nothing more." He said and walked up to Ciel"let's return to your room, shall we young master."Ciel nodded . He tugged my hand pulling along with him. I stumbled a bit in surprize. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. You might say your not a child Ciel... But deep down... You want to be loved like one.


When we got back to ciel's room Sebastian chuckled." Now don't you think it was a little to soon to say 'case closed ' my lord" ciel shot him a glare."Shutup and the odds arnt in you're favor as well. " Sebastian looked at him amused." And why is that." Ciel smirked."the longer this case takes , the more you have to work with dogs." I stifled a laugh as Sebastian's eye twitched." Then let's finish this quickly shall we." He said and exited the room."kyoku please put the young master to bed. I have things to attend to. "

he said and closed the door behind him. I walked over to Ciel. I took off his coat and shirt. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

I touched the mark on his back lightly causing him to flinch, but relax after a secound. I kissed the top of his head. I pulled away and changed him into his night clothes. I pulled the blankets over his body. His blue and purple orbs staring up at me (his eyepatch is off) . I kissed his forehead. "Didnt I already tell you you can act like a child around me?" I mumbled. Ciel stared at the ceiling." And earl cannot at like a bratty child."

I raised angela eyebrow." You already do." He sent a glare my way. I smiled and ruffled his hair."sweet dreams ototo-san. " I got up and walked to the door when I heard him mutter"kyoku.... Will you.... Laywithmeuntillifallasleep."he said the last part super fast. I blinked then laugh a bit."of course."

I walked over and layed on the bed next to him staring into his eyes. I pulled him into my arms hugging him tightly."I love you little brother."I mumbled into his hair. I felt him freeze.he looked up at me and searched my eyes for some kind of deception.when he didn't find any he buried his head into the crook of my neck."i ... Love you to , big sis."


Once Ciel fell asleep i wiggled myself free from his grip and walked out of the room, closing it gently behind me." I see you put the young master to bed." I heard a voice say. I turned to see Sebastian walking towards me. I nodded"mmhmm! What were you doing?"I said as we both started walking down the hall." Something."

He chuckled. I rolled my eyes. I unconsionly rubbed my throat memories of what happened at the lake filling my mind. Who was that guy? More importantly why was he trying to drown me. A hand gripped around mine. I looked at Sebastian ."your chokeing yourself." He said simply. I realeased my throat air filling my lungs again.

I glared down at my hand. How does one choke themselves with there own fricken hand?!?! Sebastian looked at me worried "are you sure your alright?" I looked up at him and nodded."don't worry batman. I'm okay." I said with a cheesy smile. Sebastian smiled softly at me."whatever you say ." I look at him and smirk. I stop at a door."night night see ya tomorrow." I said walking in and closing the door behind me. I walked over and sat on the window sil.i stared at the moon as it shined down on the earth.

"Mommy why can't the moon and the sun be out at the same time?" The woman smiled down at the child." Because the moon and the sun loved each other very much, but one day a spell was placed on the sun. The spell was so deadly it could kill the sun. The only wY for the sun to survive was for the moon to never see the sun again. So the moon left the sun so the sun could live and shine brightly. But sometimes the spell would falter and the moon and the sun could be reunited for a short while. The moon loved the sun so much that it gave up so much for the thing it treasured most to live."

The memory of the story my mother told me flashed through my mind. "The moon.... I wish I could be like you.... I wish could be brave like you." I mumbled. The moon is so pretty and beautiful. I looked at my hands "I promise... I won't be useless anymore!"i declared clenching my fist. I looked at the sky , determination shining in my eyes.


The next morning I layed in the bed refusing to get up. Angela was at the end of my bed." M'lady it's time to get up." I groaned "nuuuuu me need more sleepy time." My eye peaked out from under my pillow to look at her. She had a blush on her face and was squealing."oh m'lady your just so cute!" She mumbled. I raised an eyebrow but she walked over and placed her hand on the rim of the blanket."it's time to wake up." I huffed "fiiiiiinnnnnneee.".

I got up and got dressed I walked downstairs "I'll be right back m'lady. Finny seems sick so I'll go get him some herbs.i nodded and walked down stairs and sat on the chair. About angela hour later Finny came down stairs."where's miss angela?". Bard looked at him"oh she went out to get herbs because you looked sick."

Finny waved his arms frantically "she went out!? Alone! She does know there's a demon hound running around! She could get hurt! "I looked up at him" I just thought she was delusional and let her go." Everyone rolled there eyes and charged outside after her. "I don't really care because I have a bad feeling about this chick so imma stay here. Have fun kiddo's!"


Later that night Sebastian came back holding a naked man with silver hair."who the hell is that ?!? O.o" Sebastian grimaced "the demon hound" I suddenly snatched the man out of his arms and hissed at Sebastian ."my puppy!".


Hey guys I have a question. Can you comment your favorite quote?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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