I know what you might be thinking. Why would you apologize to a guy who obviously has anger issues and mostly seems to lash out on you? Why do it again when you have knowledge of what the outcome could consist on? Well, once I figure that out, you'll be the first one to know.

I roll my eyes to myself and decide that a text to his number will do. Once I unlocked my phone I saw a message from Cece and momentarily got distracted. 

*Navy blue or red?* her message read.

I frowned, not understanding what she was on about, *What for? Morning btw. Bish*

*Morning back, hooker. I'm just debating on what to wear for tonight's event. So... navy blue or red?*

Crap. I forgot about that. I seem to forget a lot of things lately. 

*Idk. Red?* I replied.

*Why though ? :(*

What's with the sad face? I don't get her. She just asked a question and I just responded.

*Why did you ask me? I suck at this... Red looks good on you. Pretty much any color. Just wear something, girl!!* I wrote back. At least I tried.

*U really think that? :D*

*Yes!! Needy bitch...*

*I saw that*  was her intelligent response.

*Course you did. It's a text message * I typed in, soon concluding our conversation after receiving no other than a ".I." from my best friend. It was nice 'til it lasted.

After so much hesitation, I scrolled down to Damian's contact. Once I saw the blank space that awaited for me to write something, I stopped myself. What was I going to write?

I finally settled on something.

* I forgive you if you forgive me*


There it goes.


What did I do?!

That was the stupidest text I could ever write. But what else could I have said? I mean, the last time I apologize to him it turned into an agreement -that I actually didn't agree on- that eventually turned into a fight, that soon after ended in a terrible argument. Even apologizing its an issue between us, so I settled on making this apology mutual since neither our admittances are in the right nor the wrong. Maybe agreeing to do something, for our sake, will help us deal with each other less aggressively. 

Once I realized that overthinking wouldn't do much, to my dismay, I chose to let it go and wait for an answer.

After a few moments  I went downstairs to have some breakfast and found Dilan eating some cereal by himself, "Hey, bugger" I greeted, ruffling his mop of curls.

"Hey, abnormal organism " He grinned back, slapping my hand away.

"Hey!!" I pouted "I'm not abnormal at all" I defended myself, stealing his spoon and taking a bite out of his cereal.

"Ew! Now you germs are on my spoon!" He complained, taking his cereal away from me and replacing his original spoon for a new one.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. He seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday and that made me relieved as to what his problem could've been.

I saw Nate coming down the stairs with a grumpy face and my smiled was replaced by an eye roll. If it's not too sour, It's too sweet. "What is it ?" I asked him.

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