I heard footsteps up the stairs and then my door slowly opened revealing his tall figure in the doorway.

I stood up and walked over to him and his eyes widened as he bit his lip.

"Fuck" he said as he grabbed my waist and leaned in to kiss me but I stopped him before he did. 

I reached behind him and closed the door before saying 

"We can fuck but that's all this will ever be" 

 "Okay" he said quietly 

 "Like strictly friends with benefits"

 "Like the movie?" He smirked at me

 "Exactly like the movie...except you DON'T fall in love with me in the end"

"Believe me that won't be a problem. I don't fall in love. Same goes to you though, you can't fall for me either." 

"Yeah right I would never be able to fall for your arrogant personality" I blurted back at him.

"Mmm you're hott when you say how much you hate me" he said tightening his grip on my waist and leaning closer to my face. 

He brushed his lips against mine without completely pushing them together. 

"I want you so bad" he whispered sending shivers down my spine. 

"Fuck me daddy" Imoaned back as I kissed and sucked on his neck. He groaned and suddenly I was lifted up and being thrown on my bed. 

"Does baby girl like it rough?"

"mhmmm" I moaned as I bit my lip and moved my hand down to my area slowly starting to rub myself. 

"ah-ah, that's daddy's job" he said as he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. I ripped his shirt off over his head and kissed me aggressively sliding his tongue into my mouth. He grinded into my hips and I felt his hardened member through his pants. 

He unclasped my bra and left marks as he kissed all around my breasts. He left a trail down to my panties and slowly slid them off. He then connected his tongue to my clit and began swirling it around in circles making me arch my back in pleasure. 

"Oh my f-fuck" I moaned out as I intertwined my fingers in his hair. He reached up and took my hands into his as he interlocked our fingers still moving his tongue in circles. He then slipped one of his fingers inside me as I moaned pretty loudly.

"Sam, Pleaseee" I begged for him to stop teasing.

"What did you call me?" he stopped 

"Sam" I answered knowing it would get him even more amped up.

"You're gunna regret that" he pulled down his boxers and his member bounced back up hitting his stomach. 

Before I knew it he thrusted into me without any warning making me scream in the sudden pain and pleasure. 

"Holy shit Ronnie" He moaned and his thrusts began getting faster. 

"Fuck..... yeah" I moaned out in pleasure as my legs started to shake. 

"I'm gunna cum" I managed to get out in between moans. 

"F-fuck me too" He groaned as he increased his speed. We both climaxed together and he rolled off of me as we laid there catching our breath. 

"I'm not gunna be able to walk tomorrow" I laughed out 

"You're welcome" he smirked back at me. 

I rolled my eyes and stood up slowly to get dressed almost falling back down due to the lack of strength in my legs.

"Need me to help you?" he said laughing and feeling accomplished. 

"Nah I'm good fuckboy" I answered finally being able to stand and slipping on my sweatpants and sports bra again. 

Sam slipped on his boxers and just sat on the bed trying to fix his sex hair. 

"Okay you can get out now, I'm tired and need to sleep."

"Oh come on, no after sex cuddling?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"No that's not how this works, cuddling is romantic, there will be none of that shit happening between us.... ever." I said opening the door and waiting for him to walk out of it.

"Until next time babe" he said as he smacked my ass and left my room pulling the rest of his clothes back on. 

I laid in my bed feeling so relaxed and sexually satisfied that I drifted straight to sleep. 


A/N: okay this chapter is so long! but I'm definitely feeling some type of way about this chapter like wtfffff. its getting hott in here. 

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