Bingos Injury

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Kenzie and I have been keeping a closer eye on Bingo recently, her mind hasn't been straight since she got rejected. Last week she said some things I don't even think she meant...

Last week

"I want it to be over Bluey! I wanna die! I don't wanna be here!" Bingo screamed, "Bingo please don't say that! Please I want to help!"

"I don't care what you want, just as you don't about I!" She said, "If I didn't care then why would we be having this conversation?" I asked, she stopped and walked to her room that night...

Back to the present

She hasn't said anything like that since, and I hope she never does.

Kenzie has come over again. I think it's starting to hurt Bingo with how much he visits. Seeing us together must remind her of him...

"Hey Bingo, hows your day?" Kenzie asked, Bingo didn't say much, and walked out.

"I suppose it's not getting better?" He asked me, "No... Not really." Bingo walked out the door of the house and we heard her fall.

Down the decks stairs.

"Fuck!" Bingo screamed. We ran out to see her bleeding from two spots on her body, her leg and arm.

Her leg was cut open and her arm had the bone sticking out. "Bingo! What happened!?" I asked, "I fell! Get me to the hospital!" She said back, we got her to the ER quickly.

As Bingo was settled into her room to heal after the stitches were done, the doctors were informed of her suicidal thoughts.

"Do we need to send her anywhere?" They asked, "No, let's not go that far yet. Please just have someone talk with her." I asked them. They obliged and we spoke to the therapist before Bingo was seen.

The therapist came back with good news, we found out more of why Bingo has been acting this way, it isn't just from Tarni, it's more than that.

"She said the scaring of the car fishing dogs messed with her. I understand it is hard for someone to overcome that on her own." The therapist told us more, but mainly she told us to speak with Bingo, as Bingo asked for us to be notified of this and see to it that we were the ones to help. "She wants her family, not any doctors, she says she finds comfort in it. Which is understandable."

With that we went back to Bingo, who now had stitches in her leg and a cast on her left arm. She was crying.

"Oh Bingo..." I said giving my sister a hug. "I'm sorry Bluey... I don't know why I didn't tell you. I don't know why I let it hurt me for this long. I dont-" I cut her off, "Bingo. There is nothing you did that was wrong, you were scared, broken, you're just a kid still, I'm sorry for not asking you before."

Kenzie walked up as well, and placed his paw in Bingos, "Hey... You're my family too, if you need anything, anything at all, here's my number. Text me." He said. "O-okay Mackenzie..." Bingo replied. She laid down, hoping to sleep for a while. Kenzie and I asked her what we should do, she asked us to stay. We did so.

We were quietly watching a movie on the other side of the room when Bingo shot up, crying.

"I... WHY!?" She screamed, I rushed over to her and she pushed me away. "Why!?" She screamed again.

"Bingo? What's wrong?" I tried, she didn't answer me. "I... I can't..." Bingo spoke still crying heavily.

"I can't breathe."

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