Dinner at the Heeler House

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I sat with Bluey for what felt like hours, all I wanted was for her to wake up. I only wanted to protect her, and I couldn't even do that.


"Okay, I would like one sandwich." Bingo said, "Okay Bingo" Bluey said she had bumped into a shelf upon turning around, causing it to fall.


"BLUEY!" I screamed, I threw the shelf off of the Blue Heeler, and picked her up in my arms. She wasn't responding.


Bluey started to stirr, she was waking up. "Ugh... What happened?" She asked, "Don't get too fast Bluey... You had a shelf fall on you." I helped her sit up. She thanked me.

"How'd I get to the couch?" She asked, "I may have carried you." I said rubbing my neck. "Kenzie?" She asked, "Yes Bluey?"

"What's been going on between us? Don't tell me we aren't friends anymore." She asked, "Of course we still are! Why wouldn't we be?"

We sat and talked about this for some time, until Blueys Mum came in.

"Bluey, You're awake!" She hugged her daughter. "Yea... Sorry I scared ya."

"You're okay Bluey, but I believe I know why you guys are like this." She said, "Why Mum?"

She told us about crushes and what they mean, and told us we both had them for one another.

"But Mum... We're seven!" Bluey said, "But... I do feel good when I'm around you Kenzie..." She told me, I grabbed her paw, "I'm the same way Bluey."

Blueys Mum told us we could still be friends, but to wait until we were 13 to be together.

"Okay Blueys Mum." I shook her paw and we went home after dinner.

"Mum..." I asked her, "Yes Hun?"

"Blueys Mum said I have a crush on Bluey, is that true?" She told me it was, and that I would need to wait to be with Bluey in the future.

"Okay Mum, thanks for helping me understand." I went to bed still thinking about it all.

I bet Bluey was doing the same.

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