A Birthday In a Clinic

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The weekend finally began, it is now Blueys birthday, she said she wanted to go be with her mum in the clinic to celebrate with her. I, of course, didn't mind and asked to tag along. Bluey was excited that I was going, and told me I was always welcome to join.

As we reached the room Chilli and Bandit were in, we weren't expecting to see Bandit up and awake.

"Dad?" Bingo asked, Bandit turned to us, "Chilli? Who are they?" He spoke. Not a good sign.

"Bandit, that's Bluey, Bingo, and Mackenzie... You don't remember?" Chilli asked. "I don't recall them at all..." He said. Bingo wasn't happy, she feared for her dad to have forgotten her a couple days ago, and now her nightmare has become reality.

"But... You remembered me just fine?" Chilli asked, "It doesn't make sense..."

The whole room grew quiet, Bingos sniffles were heard from outside, as she had walked out to save herself the humiliation. Bluey walked over to Bandit, who was still oblivious to it all.

"Dad... You don't remember me at all?" She asked, "No, I'm sorry." Bandit started to shake violently within the next few seconds, he was having a seizure.

"Get a nurse!" Bluey screamed, I was already out the door calling out for one.

When they came and got Bandit settled, he seemed more confused than ever.

"What... What happened just now?" He asked, "Bluey? What-?" He seemed to recall Bluey now. "Where's your sister?" He asked, "You remember now dad?" Bluey asked, he seemed to. Question was... Why didn't he before?

Bingo came back in and hugged Bandit, he seemed to recognize her as well and embraced his daughter.

"Bandit... You alright mate?" I asked him, he looked at me, "I think so. Sorry for all that. Especially on your birthday kid." He said towards Bluey.

"I'm just happy you're finally awake dad." She said, and gave her father a hug as well.

The rest of the day went alright. Bluey and her parents spent the day chatting and playing games while they rested in the room. I sat with Bingo for most of the time because she still had anxiety from everything.

"Mackenzie?" She asked, "Yes Bingo?" She looked me in the eyes, "I do thank you for everything you've done to help us, I hope it ain't too much for ya." She told me, "Bingo, I've grown into your family easily. To be fair, I do see it as a bit of a challenge, but that's just fine with me." She was pleased with my answer, and went on to hang with Bluey. I followed shortly after.

A few hours later

The day was almost over, and so were visiting hours. No new issues came up, which was good. However, Bluey and Bingo still had one question for their parents.

"When are you coming home?"

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