Bingos Crush

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With Bluey at Mackenzie's, I figured I should hang with someone, why not my crush, right?

I walked up to his Purple truck, and hopped in, groggy as ever. "Morning Bingo, ya get enough sleep there mate?" He asked me, "Eh, not really, but we should be-" I think I blacked out, couldn't remember much after that part.

About a minute later, I was shook awake. "Here." Tarni had handed me a coffee, he must've gone through the coffee shop. "Tarni, you sure man?" I asked, "It's already bought mate, can't give it up now." I took the cup, and asked how much it was, "Ain't worth nothing to me mate, it's just another thing I do." He said, I may have tried to insist, but he pushed me off, laughing a bit.

"Ya ain't paying me back mate, I got my own money, I don't need yours. Consider it a gesture from one friend to another." He spoke, "Alright Tarn, have it your way." He seemed to blush at the nickname.

"You okay?" I asked, "Yea... Just something my mom used to call me." Or maybe not...

"Oh, my bad." I said, "Ur all good mate, it was nice to hear someone use it again." He said, happy again, but now a bit calmer than before.

"Hey Tarni?" I asked, "Yea mate?"

"What da ya say about going to dinner tonight?" I asked. It took a minute, but finally he asked,

"What time ya thinking?"

Sorry for the short chapters, I suppose I could've gotten them in one, but I just didn't feel like it. Lol
Either way, hope y'all still enjoying this read as much fun as it is to make. Just another day for the crew. Love y'all! -StoryBringer

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