Is it a Crush?

546 4 19

Both Characters are still 7


After that day with Kenzie, him and I started to be more... Awkward around each other.

It was constant stuttering, red faces, even just not talking in general. I've noticed Mackenzie staring at me a few times, it was odd but kinda funny.

After school, I went to talk to Mum about our friendship.

"Mum?" I asked her, she was trying to find something for Dinner.

"Oh, yes Bluey?" She asked me, she saw my face and got concerned. "Can we talk about something?" She sat me down at the table and we began to talk about it.

"Bluey, you and Mackenzie are friends aren't you? Why would he... Wait." Mum stopped, "Bluey, do you feel anxious around Mackenzie?"

I didn't know what that meant so she had to explain, "Do you feel weird around him, like your legs can't support you? Or you feel as if you'll pass out?" She asked, "Sometimes." I told her.

"Bandit!" She called, Dad came in and Mum whispered to him, "Oh... What do we do? She's too young."

"I know... But how do these kids even... Whatever, we will figure it out later. Bluey?" She asked me, "Why don't we have Mackenzie and his family over for dinner tonight?"

"Okay!" I said loudly, but what could they be talking about? I'm too young?
To young for what?

When the Collies arrived, Kenzie and I were still awkward. "Hi Bluey." Kenzie said rubbing his neck again, "Hi Kenzie."

Bingo had run up to us and asked us if we wanted to play sandwich shop, we agreed.


As Bingo, Bluey, and Mackenzie went off to play, I sat down with Mackenzie's parents. "Mr and Mrs Collie, we have something to discuss." I said, "Oh? What's going on? Something wrong?" Mrs Collie asked.

"It really depends how you stand on two 7 year olds having crushes." I told them, "You don't mean...?" Mr Collie asked, "I do." They both looked at one another. "How are they already like this at this age?" Mrs Collie asked, "I'm not sure, but I-"


"BLUEY!" We heard Mackenzie scream.

Mackenzie had picked her up and ran her to us with Bingo tailing him, he looked panicked with an unconscious Bluey in his arms.

"What in the world happened!?" We all questioned. "A shelf fell! Please, help her!" Mackenzie looked as he was going to cry. We laid Bluey down on the couch, Mackenzie didn't leave the room, even if we asked him to.

"Okay, no sings of bleeding, or any trauma to any bones." I said, "She probably just needs to rest. She'll wake up soon." Mackenzie sat down on the floor, holding Blueys paw, crying...

"He does like her... Doesn't he?" Mr and Mrs Collie asked, "Yep... And Bluey likes him too."

Mrs Collie walked up to her son, sat down with him, and embraced the young Collie. "I couldn't protect her Mum... I couldn't..." He stammered, "Oh honey... She is okay, I promise you."

This young Collie just wanted to protect my daughter... He truly does care for her.

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