Finding one another

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Bluey and Kenzie are now 12


After knowing the problem, it wasn't that bad anymore, Bluey and I got back to being how we used to be.

As Bluey and I grew, our relationship did as well.

Everytime we would see one another, we'd hug like usual.

"Morning Bluey" I told her, "Morning Mackenzie." She responded, her and I sat by a tree, we looked up just admiring the clouds.

"Ya know Kenzie, I still haven't stopped thinking about you." She told me, "Really?" I asked, "How couldn't I? You're the best dog I've ever met!" She grabbed my paw and looked at me, "And I love you."

"I Love you too Bluey."

Her and I finally said it! We finally said it! OMG I am gonna pass out!

"Bluey?" I asked, "Should we ask our parents if it's okay to date now?" I asked her, she sat silently then replied, "We may as well, we did just say we love each other." She told me.

"Then it's settled, shall we have another family dinner night like when we were seven?" I asked, "Yea." She leaned onto my shoulder.

"Thank you Kenzie." She told me, "Anyday Bluey, anyday"

We called our parents to arrange it, and Bluey was so excited.

After school, my parents were already getting ready. "You excited bud?" Dad asked me, "Heck yea!" I said, "So what's this about? Blueys Mum said you guys wanted to talk to us."

"That's a surprise!" I told him, "Okay kiddo."

When we arrived, Bluey answered the door. "Kenzie! So glad you could make it!" We shared a hug, and we walked in.

Chilli and Bandit were there, waiting for us, "Gday Mr and Mrs heeler." I shook their paws. "Gday mate." Bandit responded.

We sat down around the table for dinner, when Bluey and I stood up.

"So, of course you all know we arranged this." Bluey began, "We wanted to discuss this with all of you before making it official."

Our parents seemed to know where it was going. "We know you all said to wait till we were in our teen years... But today at lunch, we... We said we loved each other." I told them.

"That's amazing kiddos! Why didn't you tell us until now?" Blueys Mum said.

"Wait, y'all aren't mad?" I asked, "Not at all mate, I honestly trust ya with my daughter, you're one of the pups I do trust, and that ain't many." Bandit said to me.

"As long as nothing crazy goes down, we can try you guys dating for now." Bandit said, "How y'all feel about it, Collies?"

My parents reluctantly agreed with Bandit. Bluey and I were finally official!

Bluey and sat on the couch after dinner. "I don't want you to leave Kenzie..." Bluey said as she leaned on my shoulder, "I don't wanna either Bluey. I Love you." I kissed my new girlfriend on the forehead, she laughed.

"Love you too Kenzie."

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