Thriving Love Knows No Bounds

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Mum and Dad were given the go ahead to head on home. It was good to finally be home, but I do miss living with Kenzie, he is my boyfriend after all.

"Hey Bluey?" Mum asked me, "Oh" I was thinking too much into space at the table. "Yes mum?" I asked, "You seem overwhelmed sweetheart, what's the matter?" She asked me.

"I guess I just miss Kenzie..." I told her, she put her paw on my shoulder. "Bluey, you do really love him, don't you?" She asked me. "I do." I told her.

She looked at me with a smile, and told me to go call Mackenzie for her. Odd, but I did so.

I handed the phone to Mum, she began-


"Hello?" I asked, "Gday Mrs Heeler! Everything okay? Bluey said you needed to speak with me." He answered, polite as ever.

"Oh yes, I just wanted to talk with you about something. Would you happen to be able to drop by so we can speak in private?"

Mackenzie came over while Bluey stayed upstairs so we could talk. Bandit and I sat down with the Collie and continued.

"Mackenzie, we want you to know you aren't in trouble with us." I told him, he sighed of relief. "Oh man, had me worried there." He pointed out. "Mackenzie, how do you plan Bluey and Your future?" I asked, "I see myself with her until our final days. I see us getting married Mr and Mrs Heeler." He answered.

With his answer, I knew it was the right time. "Mackenzie, would you honor the Heeler family by giving my daughter this ring when you decide to ask the question?" I asked, holding a ring. "Oh course, may I ask the origin of the ring?"

"It was the ring of my mother before her passing. I kept it for Bluey or Bingo ever since, hoping one day we may be able to Honor our family." I let him know that if he doesn't want to or had another ring, it was perfectly fine. However, the Collie insisted, but did ask one thing.

"Could you keep the ring safe? I do not trust myself with how jumbled around I am constantly." We all chuckled, and reluctantly agreed.

Bluey knocked on the door, "Are y'all done? I want to see my boyfriend too ya know!" She said, "I'll be right out Blues! Don't worry I am here till 9 babe!" We gave him the go ahead and we would talk about the whole thing some other time. He scurried on to my daughter in a flash.

"Bluey, you truly did find yourself someone to adore you."

Gday cheeky dogs! Been a while since I posted, which hasn't really been ideal, but issues come up sometimes. Can't say for sure when I'll post next, but I can say that I will return bigger and better than before! No more of this, 'Low life' crap, time to get back to doing what I do best! Love y'all, stay safe and stay true, the pot of gold awaits. ❤️

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