A New Pup In Town

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So there's a new dog coming to our school, he's between the ages of Bingo and I. He seems to be a mix of two breeds I can't name, or wrap my head around. It seems one dog knew him however, as when we saw him-

"Yo! Tarni!" Rusty screamed, and ran to the pup. "Hey dude! Glad to see ya again!" They hit a greeting they must have made when they were younger, even before him knowing us, and they decided to scurry off and catch up.

"Hey Bluey... Could I talk to you?" Bingo had come up to me, she seemed concerned about something. "Sure, what's up lil sis?"

"You know how Kenzie wasn't here today?" She asked, "Yes...? Bingo, what's going on?"

"Mackenzie received some bad news Bluey... His sister passed away." She told me, I immediately took off, I didn't care about anything. I took off in hopes to find Mackenzie still at home.

The Blue dog had not been in rolled in school yet, because he saw me running and pulled over.

"Hey, where you off to?" He asked, "My boyfriend needs me! I have to get there right away."

He opened his door, "Get it! Give me the address, I've got you!" He told me, if Rusty trusted him, so did I. "Okay! Let's go!"

As we got to Kenzie's, I thanked him and he drove off. I knocked on Kenzie's door and his mom answered.

"Oh Bluey... Nows not a good time Hun." She told me, "Mrs Collie, I heard the news, I'm here for Kenzie." I told her, she smiled and addressed me to his room.

"Bluey...?" He asked, "Wh-what are you-" I hugged him tight, crying for him as if he wasn't already. "I'm so sorry Kenzie..." Was all I told him, he collapsed in my arms. "She's really gone... I can't... I can't believe-" He just sank further into my fur, I held him as he did so. I layed my head on his, and he grabbed me so tightly I felt I was gonna pass out.

"She's gone Bluey! My sister, who I looked up to! Is gone! I-I-I-" I hushed him quickly, "Kenzie please, just... Stay quiet honey... Please." I hugged him ever harder now, and he continued to cry. Kenzie was in desperation to be told it was fake, to be told all of it was unreal. That tomorrow he'd wake and find his sister alive.

"I'm sorry Mackenzie... I'm so sorry..." He asked me how I was able to get out of school. "I ran..." I told him, "You what!?" He asked, "Bluey I-" I stopped him again, "Don't talk me out of it. I am here because I love you. I want you to be okay, I want you to know I'm here. I'm always here, no matter what." He seemed to understand me, and fell back into my arms.

And finally, when I thought we were good, I got a call from my Dad.

"Bluey... Where are you right now?" I didn't lie, "At Mackenzie's Dad, But I have a good-" he stopped me, "I don't wanna hear it young lady! I thought we could trust you both!" He kept ranting, until I had it with him,

"Enough Dad!" I screamed, "What'd you say?" He asked angrily, "Dad... If you would let me talk maybe you would understand, but just like every other time, you don't! I am trying to help Kenzie and all you're doing is making things worse! Until you wanna be my father and talk to me, leave me alone. I'm staying at Kenzie's tonight. I am NOT taking a no for an answer, in a matter of fact, you don't get to give me an answer, bc it ain't no question." "Bluey w-" I hung up on my old man, and got back to my man.

"Kenzie... C'mere." I motioned him over to me, where I sit on his bed. He slowly shuffled to me and we laid down. "Kenzie... I love you, I'm sorry this happened, but I'm here for you now. You aren't alone anymore."

"T-thank you Bluey... I love you too." We hugged while laying down until we fell asleep. Dad didn't bother me the rest of the day, however, that doesn't mean he didn't call the Collies.

Mr Collie

I got a call from Bandit, that was odd.
"Hey Mr H, how's it going?" I asked, thinking it'd be a normal convo. However, I was very wrong.

"Do you know that Bluey and your son are together outside of school right now?" He asked, "Yes? Did you not?" I asked, he seemed to get angry, "No! That's why I called you, do you know where they are?" He asked, "Yes. They are up in Kenzie's room, we got bad news today." I told him.

"Oh... I'm sorry. Mind telling me?" He asked, "My daughter passed, she was der than Kenzie by a long shot, about 21 years in fact." I explained, he sighed and after a few seconds.

"Tell Bluey she can stay over there for Mackenzie as long as he needs her. And tell Mackenzie I'm sorry." He said, and hung up. Odd, did Bluey get into a rustle with her father?

I knocked on Kenzie door, hoping to be let in, a few minutes later, Bluey opens the door. "Hi Mr Collie, something the matter?" She asked me, "Oh no, but I did receive a call from your father, he says you may stay as long as you need, and Mackenzie?" He looked up, "Mr H sends his regards." I told my son, he nodded and gestured Bluey back to him. "My son... Did this really break you this much?" I asked, "Yes Dad... It hurts... It..." Bluey hushed him, "It's not best to talk right now, maybe later." She told me, I did what was right and let the kids be.

I'm sorry Mackenzie... At least you have Bluey.

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