The next morning...a fight

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"BLUEY CHRISTINE HEELER!" Mrs Heeler shouted, waking us both up, along with Bingo.

"What did we tell you both last night!?" She screamed.
"Mum please, Don't scream at me, we can talk about this." Bluey tried to calm Mrs heeler down, she was walking towards us.

"And you! I thought we had an understanding!? What did you do to my daughter!?" She screamed towards me.

"MUM STOP!" Bluey finally broke. She was screaming now too.

"Don't you dare yell at me!" Mrs heeler said, "DONT YOU DARE YELL AT MY BOYFRIEND!" Bluey yelled back, "AND YA KNOW WHAT!?" She continued,

"Is it so hard to find someone to take care of me!? Kenzie and I did nothing but sleep! Why can't you just accept that maybe, just maybe, it was hard for me to sleep after what happened!? I needed someone who was there for me! Why can't you understand that!?" Bluey dove into my arms crying. "B-Bluey..." Mrs heeler tried but,

"Go mom, go!"

Mrs heeler walked out of the room after Bingo stepped in between Bluey and her.

"Leave them alone Mum, you know nothing about this, Bluey will talk with you when she is ready and you are done screaming, now leave my sister and her significant other alone." Bingo shunted her own mother out and away from us.

"Thank you Bingo." I told her, "Anyday, I hope this next part goes well."

"What next part?" I asked,

"Dad's home..."

Bandit came walking into the room, he didn't look mad, but he looked a bit concerned.

"Mackenzie, Bluey, can we talk?" He asked, "Mr Heeler, I'm sorry for going against what you said-"

"Bud, I'ma be honest with you, I anticipated that this would occur." He told us, "I knew Bluey was going to have a rough night, Chilli and I did too. That's why she's so angry this morning, she's groggy." He explained.

"I'm not mad at what happened, I am honestly happy you guys have each other, it reminds me of Chilli and I at your age." He got down by Bluey.

"I'm sorry Bluey, you okay mate?" He asked his daughter, she hugged him quickly and started to cry again.

"Just... I'm sorry for going against you." She said, "You aren't in trouble Bluey, I understand what's going on and I'm proud that you trust yourself and Mackenzie enough to help." Bandit told her.

"Mr Heeler, Will she be alright?" I asked, "You mean Chilli? Oh yea she'll be fine, I'll talk it over with her. Bingo-" He said glancing towards her.

"Yes Dad?" She asked, "What you did was a good step up for these two, but you didn't have to be that crazy mate."

"Sorry dad, she wouldn't stop yelling at them." Bingo told him, "Alright, I'll talk to momma bear, y'all stay in here." He told us.

There was a long talk from downstairs, they spoke about it for about 20 minutes before returning.

"I-I am so sorry Bluey and Mackenzie..." Chilli started, "Mrs Heeler, I understand what you were doing, standing with your daughter at the thought of danger, but please understand one thing..." I asked, she looked at me, "I will NOT hurt your daughter, she is someone who I won't ever let get hurt or hurt myself."

Chilli seemed to tear up, "I love her Mrs Heeler, and I promise you, I will protect her." Bluey hugged me in tears, "I love you..." She told me.

Chilli just stood there, seeing her daughter hug me, "I'm sorry for hurting you guys..." She said, "It's all understood Mrs Heeler, I accept your apology." I got up and offered Chilli a hug, she accepted it.

"Please Mackenzie, call me Chilli." She said after, "Can do, Chilli."

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