Moving in

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I was in class when I was called to the office. Apparently Bingo had the same deal, as when I arrived she was sitting alone on one of the chairs.

"Bingo? You get called too?" I asked her, "Yea, what's this about?" She asked.

I didn't have a clue, it all was so confusing.

"Heeler sisters, please come with me." The principal asked us, we stepped in and we sat down.

"I'm afraid there's been an accident, your parents were in a crash this morning." He told us, we both gained worried looks, to which they eased up on the next set of information.

"They are both stable, but will need time to heal in the hospital, for now, I suggest finding a place to stay for the time being." He told us, "Mr Kile?" I asked, "Could you call Mackenzie down?" He did so and Mackenzie was filled in as soon as he joined us.

"I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind, we do have a spare room." He told us, "I'll give em a call."

A few minutes later, we were given the okay from Kenzie's parents. Bingo and I would now be living with the Collies for a week or two.

As the day ended, I wanted to go see mum and dad if possible, Kenzie drove Bingo and I up to the clinic and we all asked for the rooms of my parents.

"They are in the same room" said the receptionist, "Room 309"

We made our way to the room and knocked, we heard a faint, "Come in" before opening the door.

"Bluey, Bingo...?" Mum asked, dad was still out cold.

"Mum... You guys okay?" I asked, trying to hold back a fear tears, Bingo didn't try to hold back, she walked up to mom and faintly hugged her while crying.

"Yes Bluey, we will be. Did you guys find a place to stay?" Just then she saw Mackenzie at the door, "Oh, I see." She asked Mackenzie to come in, he did so.

"Mackenzie, thank you for helping us." She thanked my boyfriend, "Anyday Chilli. Hope you guys recover soon." He told her, "Thank you, you guys okay with the sudden commotion?" She asked concerned, "My parents are okay with it, they told me they'd have the spare room made when we got back." He reassured mum that everything would work out. It pleased her.

As me made our dues and said our goodbyes to mum and dad, I couldn't help but sniffle a bit as we walked out.

Kenzie kept me close, holding me by his side, letting me rest on his shoulder as we walked. Bingo was done crying, but still looked sad.

"You guys gonna be alright? I can see if we all can stay back tomorrow." Kenzie asked me, "Maybe that'd be best, Thank you Kenzie." I hugged him, "You're the best." He kissed me, "Anything for you Bluey."

As we made it back to Kenzie's, the Collies showed us where we'd be, and asked if anything was needed to be grabbed from home. Kenzie had already thought of this, and had driven us home before coming back.

"Nothing else is in order, thank you Mr and Mrs Collie." I said, "Always happy to help Bluey, now if you guys need to rest, we will have dinner in a few hours." Mrs Collie replied.

"Thank you, that'd be lovely." I told her, she let us get settled in.

"Bluey?" Bingo asked, "Yea?" I replied, she looked at me with a concerned face, "What'll happen to mum and dad?" She asked, "The most I can say is a slow recovery Bingo, I'm sorry." I told my sister, she was still sad about it all, wanting to go home.

Kenzie knocked on the door, "Hey Blue and Red, can I enter?" He asked, Bingo gave the okay to me and I responded, "Yea, cmon in." I told him. He reluctantly accepted the invitation, and opened the door with a few snacks for us. "I know it ain't much, but I figured I'd help." He told us as he set the tray on the nightstand.

"Kenzie, thank you." I kissed my boyfriend, "You've been amazing, I can't thank you enough." I told him, he smiled. "Well, if you need to talk you know where to find me" he told us, "Always." I responded as he left.

"Bluey? How did you find such an amazing guy?" Bingo asked me,

"Lucky shot in the dark."

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