chapter 105 steven returns

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The doors of Blue's room opened and lapis lazuli flew in, she landed and ran to steven. "Steven!", she called, not seeming to notice the serious looks on his and Pearl's face and greg, pink and garnet being distant in the corner. "Sorry if i was gone for a while, I was trying to get used to Homeworld again, it still feels so different, like its not MY homeworld anymore. Blue diamond did say she'll take me to the colony I came from but I'm not sure if that will even work, ive just missed so much while i was in the miror.", she continued, greg looked over to her, "finally someone to stop the endless misery and lies Pearl's been spitting out", he laughed.

"Where is mum?", Steven asked lapis, "Is she still busy?", "she'll be back soon, she said she's going to see yellow diamond", lapis replied, "WHAT!?", Steven exclaimed, taking a few steps back and laying down on the bed pink diamond was also on, "why is she talking with HER! Yellow literally tried to kill her!", "they always do this, yellow will probably be apologising to her and crying on the ground as we speak!", pink snickered, "blue always hates when yellow apologises after their fights, she's always so dramatic, crying and rolling on the ground, begging for blue to forgive her, its crazy to see! personally, if I was blue, I'd make yellow do more since their fights always end badly".

"Yes but their fights are never as bad as this recent one", pearl spoke up, she didn't want to speak as much, as she could see greg was watching her every move, ready to tell blue everything she had said about him to steven. "Yellow and blue may have their arguments but this was unlike any other, both where fighting to ki-", suddenly the door opened once again, revealing two familar giant figures, pearl went silent and stood still, garnet unfused in an instant, greg hid behind a curtain, pink fell off the bed again and crawled under, creating another crack the pebbles had to fix.

Blue was the first to walk In, she was holding what seemed like a bar of chocolate yellow had given her just before the doors opened. Yellow walked in after, she looked down at steven, the look she gave him almost looked like she felt guilty and regretted what she did. Blue took a giant bite of the chocolate bar and laid down on her bed, she gestured steven to follow her, he first made sure yellow wasn't going to follow him then flew to blue, yellow stood by the corner, not coming any closer.

"Steven.....", blue began, her voice serious, "Are you okay?", "why wouldn't I be?", he responded, looking confused with her question, "it's just, you're so young this too much for you?", Steven still looked clueless, "you know, when me and yellow fought and she stabbed me...I'm worried if seeing that..was something traumatising", Steven shook his head "no actually it helped me learn to heal and dad's back too! So there's nothing to worry about", he replied, surprisingly happy, "are you sure you're ok? You're only 12! I feel like this is too much for you-, "Don't worry, mum, I'm a diamond now! You can count on me!".

"But I do have one question mum", steven pointed over to yellow, "why is she here!", blue took another bite of the chocolate, "she gave me choccy to apologise!", steven looked at blue like she was a fool, the other gems did as well, "she also said she'll help us get rid of the cluster! ububble the rose quartz gems, even fix the one she shattered!", blue turned to pink when she said this, pink looked away and mumbled something to herself, "and take you back to earth!". "What!? But I don't want to go to earth right now! I'm enjoying time on homeworld meeting the gems!", Steven complained, "but what about connie? You must miss her since you like her so much?", blue replied, Steven blushed bright red, "Y-YES B-BUT"-, "And blue fears how white will treat you", yellow diamond spoke up, she cautiously approached steven and blue, steven flinched when yellow got closer, wanting to hide behind his giant mother.

"Why? Did white say more about me?", Steven asked, still defensive around yellow as she towered over him, he didn't forget the fight they had and how violent she was to him not long ago. "It's not what she said, it's what we know she could do with you", blue said, eating the rest of the chocolate in one giant bite, "You'll be free on earth, she can't control you from there". pink stood up and jumped high in the air, floating closer to the other diamonds, "what about me huh? Can I stay on earth and be free there? What about my crystal gems?", she winked at yellow, only to be grabbed and zapped with some electricity coming from yellow's fist. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!", yellow yelled as she held pink tightly, wanting to crush her gem right now, "you should be happy we didn't lock you away again, if it where up to me you would be, if I was you I'd be kissing the ground blue walked on for being so merciful to allow you back into your palace".

"Yellow, let go of her", steven commanded, he said it quietly but yellow obeyed, dropping pink on the ground. "Fine mum", Steven huffed, "I'll go back to earth for now, but I want to see more of homeworld, there's so many gems and cool stuff here, I can't just abandon it", blue nodded, "fine, you'll come back here soon, right now isn't the time, we'll need to sort out what we will do with pink before we start your diamond journey", blue picked up the sleeping durgy and greg who was still hiding and placed them on the bed in front of steven, yellow looked down at greg, not knowing to feel guilt for making blue cry, or  disappointment that a fellow diamond cried over such a lowly creature.

"you'll be going home through your father or durgy's hair, me yellow, greg and pearl will arrive to earth in some days, you can stay with connie and I might be able to pop in through your dad's hair.", blue explained, putting her hand through Greg's hair, each time she touched it, it glowed. "How will I know what one to pop out of?", Steven asked, running his hand through durgy's fur, ready to jump in, "there's one I put a giant flag to mark, it's a bird in beach city, i used it for getting the maheswarans,use that one!".

Steven nodded at her then jumped in, after a couple seconds, Steven's hand popped out Greg's hair and waved goodbye at them, everyone laughed at this, even yellow. Steven tried to swim through the fur then resorted to flying around, looking at the many small islands belonging to the countless animals blue gave life too, after a couple seconds he was able to find the island with a giant flag pole and nothing else on it, "this must be the one!", he thought, flying to it, he looked down and the fur seemed to have changed into feathers, he ran down the island and soon enough, he was back in beach city, laying next to a confused blue bird.

Steven got up and looked around, it was a bright sunny day in beach city, it seemed to be tourist season since a lot more people than usual seemed to be around, thankfully none of them saw Steven come out of such a small bird. As steven looked around he realised he probably had been gone for a long time, and connie must've been worried about him, she was the first person he needed to visit, he summoned his wings and flew to her home.

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