chapter 78 inside the mind of a diamond

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Steven slept in his mother's room, he never knew when it was night now as they where in space but always made sure to sleep at only a certain time, a diamond like him shouldn't even need such long rests. Blue diamond slept next to him, she shrank down back to her more human size to hug him and hold him close to her, their gems nearly hitting against eachothers, durgy also shrank down to her normal form and cuddled up near blue.

Steven awoke, but felt off, he was still laying down and felt like he was still on blue's bed but everything looked different. Everywhere was all dark and strange echoes came from every corner, they sounded like voices from far away, but steven could not make out what they where saying, if they even where voices. He tried to get up and floated, his entire body was bright blue, "what the!?", he said to himself, looking at his hands, then he looked back, he saw himself laying where he once was, not blue like how he was now. "Have I left my body!?", he exclaimed, his voice echoing through this strange dream world.

He floated through the darkness, trying to look for anything, there far away where some statues, statues of the people on the ship, and there above the statues stood them. He first could see yellow's pearl who was sitting in the corner, secretly using a tablet to gossip on gem-book. "O.M.S can you believe it! pink diamond's not that one, the 2nd one was caught with the crystal gems, I am so shocked, My stars where blown!", the Pearl's message read, Steven floated behind her and was able to read it. "Hey stop gossiping pearl!", he jokingly told her, expecting her to not hear it, but was instead met with a suprise.

"Who said that?", the pearl angrily yelled, looking around for any sign of anyone only to be left alone, her tone quickly became a worried one as she realised there was no one around who couldve possibly have said that. "Hello? I did hear a voice, I know someone is diamond's?", she asked, her voice now filled with fear she may have just talked back to a diamond.

"Pearl, its me, Steven, you can hear me?", he asked her, floating towards her again, nearly touching her. "yes yes I can! Are you testing your powers?", she replied, much more professionally now, "yeah, I haven't done this before though and I don't know how to get out", Steven replied, floating around her. "I'll contact yellow diamond immediately", the pearl started typing on her tablet, "wait not yet!", steven stopped her, trying to touch the tablet but having his arm phase through it and her torso, he pulled his arm out her body and nearly yelped from how much it freaked him out, he really had become some sort of ghost now.

"just let me test this new power out first before you tell yellow anything. if I get scared and can't get out I'll tell you then you can call yellow", Steven said, his voice echoing around pearl as he floated around her. "yes my steven", she said, her voice now as robotic as any other pearl. she looked around incase anyone was watching then awkwardly saluted him as he floated away from her. When steven left her she went back on her tablet and immediately back to gem-book to gossip, it was all she did besides taking selfies on yellow's computers without her knowing, this was such a problem it even became a common joke that every screen yellow diamond used, a photo taken by her pearl would be found on it.

"Alright who else can I find?", steven wondered, floating in a random direction he threw himself in, "Alright maybe I can talk to someone like...", he looked around, seeing a yellow light in the distance, "BINGO!", he exclaimed, dashing to the yellow light that turned out to be a familar diamond almost like he was swimming towards her. Yellow was different than her pearl, unlike pearl who was just doing her work, she was floating above her statue, and covered in a yellow, lighting like aura, it almost looked like a shield. As steven swam closer he could also see a blue light, "mum? But I thought you where sleeping", he thought, he moved closer and saw them talking, he stopped and listened in.

"You and a human had a romantic relationship, mated? Then had a child that now has diamond powers and then that human also befriended rose quartz who then turned out to be pink diamond?", yellow questioned blue, crossing her arms and rasing an eyebrow while blue looked away embarrassed. "Yes, you make it all sound so wrong", blue replied, still avoiding eyecontact, her aura becoming more wavy and moving all over the place as Steven watched. "that's because it is, we don't know what steven really is, and you where so weak to organics you let a human use you like that!", yellow raised her voice and blue flinched, moving away from her ever so slightly, when yellow saw her reaction she calmed down quickly and made her tone softer.

"Blue I....", yellow bowed her head, regretting how she acted, "I'm sorry, its just, Steven is something we can't even begin to understand, he's so unique, truly nothing else like him has ever existed", she took some steps towards blue, stretching out her hands to hug her, "and I just I love him so much already, I want to know everything he's capable of...", she put her hand on blues shoulder and whispered, "I want him to be the bringer of the new era of homeworld".

Steven couldn't hold in his words anymore, the silence was becoming painful for him. He floated in closer, going into yellow's aura and trying to touch her, only to be shocked by its electric power and shot back. Yellow flinched and jumped back, "whats the matter?", blue asked, "I felt something, it was like you when you leave your body...,", "could it be.....", "he's already able to do that?", "I'm not sure, but he was able to do so much at such a young age I'm very sure he could do that!", the diamonds theorised amongst themselves, Steven smirked as they guessed it right, now it was his time to shine. "HEY YELLOW! HEY MUM!", he yelled as loud as he can, a blue aura now coming from him and covering them, they now both looked up in shock, "Steven!?", they yelled in unison.

"NICE TO SEE YOU GUYS!", he called to them, waiting to see their reactions, but then his eyes they started to feel heavy, almost like he was sleepy, this whole time in this mind world he never needed to blink, until now, he closed his eyes and then. "Huh!?", Steven gasped as he woke up. He was back in blue's room and in his body, over him stood yellow and blue diamond, looking at him. "You really did it!", yellow said to him, her voice filled with excitement, "I can't believe it", blue picked up her son, "you can do it better than me, when I do it now I shake all over the place, you just stay alseep, oh how I envy that". "I wonder", yellow looked at blue and steven, "since pink know", she was very careful speaking about pink diamond around blue still, "I wonder if your power is no longer effected and you keep control of your body", "I'll see but we won't check now, soon we'll be at our special destination!", "then we are going to homeworld right after!", yellow angrily replied, very annoyed with how long this trip had already took them.

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