chapter 100 r.i.p hairloop

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"And paragon gave up all her power and colour, all that was left became the colourless white diamond who stills rules homeworld to this day", yellow ended the story, the door to the room then opened, yellow's pearl was there, "my diamond", she said, saluting, "its time for your next appointment", yellow immediately got up and followed her, the door closing behind her, yellow was always very busy, she couldn't just spend all her time telling steven propaganda stories.

Steven turned to look at his mother, "so white is made out of all that's left of paragon and all the good parts made the other gems?", he asked, blue nodded then huffed, crossing her arms and then looking down to her clothes. "I'm sick of her rules", she mumbled, pink diamond heard this and smiled to her, "same", she said, laughing, blue didnt acknowledge her but steven did, he snarled back at her, she always interrupted and invaded conversations she had no place in, she annoyed him so much.

Blue stood up and went to the mirror, touching her hair, "the reason I returned to this outfit is because white would be watching kankamankla", she said as she pulled off her gloves, "White said I can only wear dresses, she controlls everything when it comes to how I look", blue grabbed onto her hairloop and started to pull on it, trying to split it apart "even my stupid hair!", she yelled, using all her strength to pull it apart.

As blue pulled and pulled onto her hair, much to the shock and confusion of everyone around her, she started to remember how she got this hair, it was from when yellow found her after pink's fake death, she was laying on the floor, holding the fake shards, she was unresponsive and just looking up the the sky, in shock, her long hair had turned white from the stress off it all, yellow had to carry her away from the site. When yellow took her to white, she didnt seem to care about the state she was in and was only concerned with blue's new hair colour, white hated how it looked with her long hair so styled it herself, putting in the loop she always hated.

As blue pulled, it broke and her hair finally returned to its real long form, all her hair becoming free, the long hair hitting the floor and covering her shoulders. "Woah, what did you do!?", Steven ran to his mother, looking at the hair, he was shocked to see how long it had become, it had also become darker, an almost gray colour. "Woah, blue-blue where have you been hiding all that?", greg asked, "she used to look like that before I ran away", pink said, blue glared at her, pink talking to greg was painful for blue. "My diamond, your looks how it used to!", lapis exlclaimed, finally her leader looked recogniseable, pearl was speechless, "...she...she did it", she quietly whispered, trying to find the right words, she remembered how much blue would wish she could free her hair but feared white too much, but today she no longer cared about what white thought.

Blue then picked up the clothes she was wearing before, "white said I can't have my natural hair and she said I can't wear this but she's no paragon, she can't tell me what to do", she mumbled to herself, putting back on the button up shirt and dark blue pants. Steven looked over to his own blue diamond dress the pebbles made for him, "guess we won't need to worry about matching outfits", he joked, making lapis laugh very loudly, scaring pearl who tried to hush her.

Pink walked up to blue, "are you really serious about this? You know we are two diamonds maybe we can stop her, but yellow is-", "I'm not a rebel like you ", blue put her hand in front of pink, "I don't want to destroy our authority, I just want to get rid of White's rules, unlike you I don't play games that cause millions to die!", pink huffed and sat back down on the ground, greg looked at her, "you know maybe she's onto something, blue", he said. "Greg, I know pink you dont", blue responded, "I do know her though!", Greg spoke up, "you don't know how close we are blue! I know her more than anyone here", pink smirked at this, "he does, and I think I know him more than you!", she said, winking at blue, blue tried to keep calm but was becoming angrier and angrier.

Steven was enraged by this, he couldn't deal with pink and his father's actions anymore, he'd seen how he also tried to force yellow to kiss him and how he'd been flirting with pink, he couldn't take it anymore. He summoned his water wings and flew to his father at an amazing speed, punching him in the face at full force, greg dropped to the ground, his face bleeding badly and three teeth being knocked out, blood dripping out his mouth as he coughed the teeth out. "THE NERVE OF YOU TO BRING THIS UP AGAIN!", Steven yelled, starting to cry, his aura effecting the room, greg started to cry and not be able to get up the ground, laying face down in a puddle of his own blood, lapis quickly wiped away the tears, pearl only cried a bit out of one eye, pink burst into tears gasping for air, ruby and sapphire wiped away eachothers tears and kissed, and blue just watched, not crying at all.

Steven took some steps closer to his father, fighting the urge to summon his weapon and do more damage to him. "I don't get what mum sees in you", he said, tears running down his face, "you just use people!", Greg got up from the ground, "steven! You haven't even gave me and pink a chance to speak, to hear her story!", he cried, Steven shook his head, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I don't want to hear it! Why would I want to hear about someone who just hurts others, no wonder you like her, you're just like her! A manipulator!", Steven pointed his finger to his dad but something happened, out his finger came a small blue energy ball, greg quickly ducked and it smashed through a wall.

Steven looked at the hole in the wall horrified, then to his finger, smoke coming off it, "what the..." he said to himself, realising he just unlocked another power. "Steven, enough of this", blue said, splitting him and greg up, she picked greg up and started to take him away to lie down. She looked down at pink diamond, she wanted to rip her apart, but kept herself calm in front of steven.

"steven is just like you", pink said, looking over to steven who was still in shock with his powers, lifting his hands up and making small energy balls, only to crush them with his hand so he didn't shoot them, "you guys can be pretty cool then freak out and start murdering people", she leaned against the wall, "Steven's a cool kid to bad he has to learn from you". Blue put greg down on the bed and went back to pink, "listen here, pink, Steven is nothing like me, he is a good kid, Mr universe has upset him, he had the right to feel this way. He's a good person, he's everything I wanted to be...".

Pink raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean by that?", she asked, blue looked away, now steven had started to listen in to the conversation. "It's just, he's so free", blue looked back to her soon "when I was his age I was just pushed around by white but he's able to do what he wants, he actually had a childhood! it's like the life I never had back home", Steven awkwardly smiled back, trying to gesture to blue that he could hear everything, lapis and pearl where staying silent and loyal, they knew it was better to keep quiet when she was being emotional, all gems of her court where very used to this.

"The only reason steven is free is because of the earth, my colony, the one I wanted to protect", pink replied, blue turned to her and smiled, "the planet i saved from yellow", pink was confused, "what?", she asked, "she tried to destroy and I stopped it. You're right about earth, its where I found peace and love, its so much like my home", blue replied, "I wanted to tell you this, I probably allready did but you're a bit forgetful, but that's fine", she got closer to pink, he demeanour becoming more friendly.

"Since you want me to team up with you so much you can help me with something", Steven facepalmed, he couldn't believe his mother was even thinking of teaming up with pink. "What's that?", pink asked, looking over to steven who was still mad at her. "Yellow diamond made a weapon to destroy earth and from recent discoveries me and her have come to the conclusion thay all us diamonds together are the only beings capable of stopping corruption and healing those gems. I want to convince yellow to leave the earth alone and save the corruptions, that seems like something you'll like, do you?", blue asked, pink nodded, "of course, sounds like quite a crystal gem-y plan to me", she shook blue's hand. Blue then turned to steven, "I know this will be difficult for you, but I need you for this too, to finally destroy the cluster, if we get yellow to join us white will also be losing her key ally!".

Steven thought for a moment, he looked up to his father, he felt no guilt for hurting him, in fact he'd do it again, he then looked to ruby and sapphire, they loved eachother so much and could barely he apart, they where hurt so much by pink lying to them, but at the same time she gave them peace on earth, he then looked to pink, she had stood up and kneeled down in front of him, outstretched her hand for him to shake, he looked up to her diamond eyes, took a deep breath and reluctantly shook her hand. "Fine, we can help earth together, but don't do anymore faking your death, as diamonds we can get the support of the gems!", he said to her, she held his hand and smiled, "of course, steven!", her voice was friendly but seemed fake, Steven awkwardly smiled back to her, he still didn't trust her but was doing this for his planet.

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