chapter 77 the almighty diamond

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"Now what other stories are you gonna tell me aunt yellow?", Steven playfully asked, "no more", yellow harshly replied, standing up and going to the door, her pearl following her. "our ships have just been aimlessly wondering through space and wasting time, we must get back to our control rooms and continue the journey to homeworld", she walked out the room, with steven quickly following after her.

"Aww come on aunt yellow!", he complained, trying to fly near her only to be swatted away like a fly, nearly hitting the walls. "at least teach me a story about you and your great army and how cool your are!", yellow smirked at this and stopped for a second, it's seems steven has already recognised how much yellow loved to talk about herself. "Tell me about white diamond! I hear about her so much but know nothing about her, is she as cool as you?", Steven finally won and yellow responded.

"White is the first diamond, the ultimare diamond, the decendant of the almighty lord paragon, the gem with the most colonies and the most perfect being to exist", yellow responded, her voice filled with pashion and love as she praised her fellow diamond. "oh wow! can you tell me more, like a cool story about her?", steven responded, desperate for info on this diamond he'd heard so much yet so little about. "maybe, later, we must get back to our ships and separate them". Steven gave up and landed on the ground, making his wings dissappear, he waved to yellow as she went to her control room and he walked back to the ship, crossing the green corridor that connected them, only to bump into blue diamond, who was looking unhinged.

"Steven, where is yellow?", blue asked while breathing heavily, her voice was shaky, her hair was all messy and her eyes wide, it was scary. "She's just gone back to her control room", Steven nervously replied. "I need her, there's a fish planet around here, I wanna tuna sandwich!", she yelled, rushing through yellow's ship so quickly steven could only see a blur, she immediately opended the doors to the control room and stormed in, accidentally kicking yellow's pearl out the way, sending her flying to another room. Steven could hear what the two diamonds where saying to eachother as it echoed throughout the ship.

"Blue!? Why aren't you in your room!?"


" a sand- what? I thought you didn't consume organics? I remember you crying when you saw a being from sankatoka eating one of its young?"

"BUT ITS TUNA, ITS SO GOOD! Plus its a planet with water and those always make good gems!"

"Fine, we'll go to this planet but only if you and your lapis use your powers to terraform it and where even is this planet I can't see it?",

"My windows are just better than yours"

"You've got those hyper zoomed in screens on all your Windows? I should add that, anyway if we're going to this planet I'll be there to watch over you, as a chaperone"

"ALRIGHT! just let me get ready then me and lapis will make a new colony, what if we give it to steven?"

"steven? He can only make wings from water, he can help but not manage a whole planet, we've learned what happens when a young diamond is given a colony too early".

Steven stopped listening after that, he walked back to blue's ship, trying to forget they where speaking about him and bumped into amethyst. "Yo", she greeted him, giving him the peace sign, "oh hey", Steven replied, slightly quiet, he felt almost hurt by yellows comment, the fact she even thought hed be like pink diamond was a great insult to him. "how has mum been for you?", steven asked,"oh she's just been hiding in her tiger all the time, I keep seeing her stick her head in then come out with food, I might ask her for some". "SHES WHAT!?", Steven exclaimed, rushing past amethyst and to blue's room where durgy was sleeping on the bed, still in a giant form, the room smelt like those spicy noodles blue used to binge on back in Korea and always ended up puking it all up after.

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