chapter 101 blue's demands

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"Yellow, I request you return to my room its an emergency", blue typed onto the screen, she nervously pressed enter, she looked back to steven and pink. "do you think this will work?", steven asked, wonder in his eyes, "that we can make her also go against white diamond and her crazy rules?", "I'm not sure", pink said, looking away, her eyes tired, she'd tried something like this before, she knew how it would end, "blue and you are emotional and change your minds a lot, yellow diamond wants to be like white, even trying to look like her with that dumb spiky helmet and those heels", "those heels are to be taller than me!", blue joked, making pink giggle, "she's White's servant, only something really big can change her", pink continued, looking out to White's ship.

Yellow diamond was in her ship, sitting alone, when she wasnt commanding her army, checking on her planets she was doing experiments on gems and nature she found across the universe. without blue's knowledge she had taken her palanquin, where all the corrupted gems she had found on earth were kept bubbled. On their way to homeworld, blue told yellow all she knew about corruption, and it fascinated her. She would carefully unbubble a gem, see it first form into their normal form, then corrupt and transform, becoming violent and animal like.

Yellow would either put the corruptions back in the bubble or try and heal then, usually that didn't go well, their bodies would return to normal but they'd still act feral, crawling around and attacking. Yellow carefully wrote down her discoveries and sent it to her scientist gems, including a certain peridot who came to earth to check on the cluster. When she got the message from blue she was just about to unbubble a nephrite gem, old pilot gems that used to be extremely important for exploring worlds, the message slightly startled her, she put the bubble back in the palanquin and read the message, when she saw that it was serious she immediately ran back to her palace.

Yellow opened the door to blue's room, her face serious and panicked, after seeing the message, in the middle of the room stood blue diamond, Steven, wearing his blue Cape, pink diamond, lapis with her wings summoned, pearl with her rapier, and garnet who fused again just before yellow arrived, they where all ready to fight. "Blue? What is this? And what is THAT!", yellow pointed to garnet, who snarled back at her and summoned her gauntlets. Blue diamond nervously took a step forward, "Yellow, I need you to do something for me", she said, yellow raised an eyebrow, "and what is that?", blue looked back to steven who gave her a thumbs up, blue looked back to yellow and prepared herself for what she was about to say, she was convinced this was going to go horribly wrong and yellow would attack her.

"Yellow..I- I THINK WE SHOULD TERMINATE THE CLUSTER!", blue yelled, shocking yellow, pink diamond and steven started to cheer her on. "Earth is my home now too and where steven learnt so much, we can't just destroy such an interesting planet for your stupid geoweapon idea!", yellow looked a blue with a look of pure hatred, "what did you just say blue?", she replied, looking deep into her soul, blue was very scared but able to hide it, she and yellow haven't fought like this in a while, but she remembered all the times they would and how horrible it would turn out. "You heard her!" Pink yelled, "she also wants to save the earth! Steven too!", she grabbed steven and lifted him up to show him to yellow, "Yeah!", he yelled back, flying out of pink's hands.

Yellow growled, "", she said under her breath, her hands forming into fists, lighting starting to come off her body as she shook from pure rage. "What are you gonna do yellow!", pink yelled back. Yellow grabbed blue by the hip and threw her through the wall with great force, nearly making the whole room collapse. She then ran to pink, yelling, "I'll shatter you!", kicking her in the head, sending her flying, she then shot a long blast of lightning from her hand, hitting pink and shooting her across the room, nearly striking her gem and destroying her form, pink laid on the ground, smoke coming off her body.

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