8- A Life So Troubled, A Love So Peaceful.

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"The truth is hidden in the silence of the Unheard"


Aayan Ahmed Zeyad

Aayan sat in the living room with everyone, the warm glow of the fireplace casting a cozy light over the room.

His Dad; Ahmed Zeyad sat in his favourite armchair, a book on his hand while his mother; Ammi and sister; Aliyah were engrossed in a game of cards at the coffee table.

He smiled, a contented one. His little family.

As he watched them, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. He had missed these simple moments with his family while he was away, the easy camaraderie and shared laughter that filled the room.

"Aayan, I need someone to win against. Come and join" Aliyah called mockingly, waving him over. She thought it was the same Aayan that everyone loved playing against because one thing was for sure 'he will be at the losing end'.

Well, let's just say he had gotten some skills from Anas over the years, but not so much to be proud of.

Aayan Chuckled and made his way to the coffee table, taking a seat beside his mum. "I am in, but be warned, I'm a card shark."

Daddy, who refused playing at first looked up from his book with a grin. "Oh, is that so? We'll see about that. Count me in Aliyah."

"Well who is going first?" Ammi asked after the cards were shared.

"Our very own Aayan din Ammi is going first. We need to see where he is getting all this confidence from" Aliyah joked earning a sound smack directly from Aayan.

"Ammi  wannan yaarinyan naki (this daughter of yours) is underestimating me" Aayan boasted wiping the invincible dirt off his shoulders.

"Well.... Less boasting and more action Mr man" Daddy backed Aliyah up to which she grinned.

"Hold on... Hold on.... Hold on...... and continue" Aayan placed three cards simultaneously with number one on before adding a circle 12 to the centre.

As they played, the room filled with the sound of laughter and friendly banter. Aayan teased Aliyah mercilessly, but always made sure to back up his Ammi when Daddy joined in on the teasing.

"Aayan won again" Daddy announced surprisingly. He really got some skills.

"Well, in that case, I wasn't even bragging enough then" Aayan bragged and Ammi backed him up.

They had already played the agreed ten rounds and Aayan helped Ammi score twice before a rule was made against helping, then Aliyah scored three times, daddy managed to score once and Aayan score a whooping five. Skills!

Then there was a comfortable silence of their shared space enveloping them. Aayan leaned back, his Ammi's head resting on his shoulder as Aliyah stood up to get refreshments and Daddy stretched out a bit.

"Aayan, how is the new project going?" Ammi asked, breaking the silence.

"Alhamdulillah Ammi. The design is 90% complete. I am waiting for Anas to go and look at the place and evaluate what should be used as the intricate designs. He has assigned people to monitor the weather condition of the place, security and all essentials...... After that, we are good to go Insha Allah"

"And the new rules they have about intricate designs?" Daddy asked.

"Well, it's also a problem Daddy but nothing that can't be taken care of Insha Allah. I've communicated with Chairman. He knows someone that can help us override that rule"

"May Allah continue being with you and blessing you Aayan" Ammi prayed, lifting her head from his shoulders as he gave her a very big hug, "Ameen Ammi na"

"And Aayan" Daddy called. "Please seek very little help from Mukhtar. I want you to be the sole mind behind your project. Only seek help when it's outside your field."

"Yes Daddy" Aayan answered. "I will keep this in mind Insha Allah"

He knew Daddy was aiming at something but he didn't want to ask. If he wasn't willing to share it with him, he will wait till he is willing. Again, he didn't mind waiting. It was his thing.

And also, Daddy will never ever not make the right decision for him, That, he knew.

"And Aayan. Hurry up with that as well. The earlier, the better. I want you to finish up and take up the mall project. I also want you to design a friend's home.. I want you to do it from scratch and I want it to be done soon" Daddy commanded.

"And so shall it be, Bi'iznillah (with Allah's will) daddy. And I'll call up chairman right away, daddy. Don't bother yourself"

"Talking about Chairman" Aliyah butted in as she put the refreshments down, serving everyone. "He had dropped something off this morning before going to work for you Aayan. It's in Ammi's room"

"What could it be?" Aayan asked, "I mean, I was in his house yesterday. He could have just given it to me then"

"The chauffeur said it's a gift for his fiancée" Aliyah replied sitting down.

"His fiancée?" Ammi asked looking at Daddy waiting for an explanation as if he also magically knew why Mukhtar's fiancée's gift is first delivered to Aayan.

"I will call him" Aayan decided to clear up the confusion, as he got up and picked his phone from the other part of the living room dialling Mukhtar's number.

"Chairman" he greeted as the person on the other line picked up at the second ring.

"Aayan. Don't tell me you are just waking up" Chairman said surprisingly, he knew it was unlike Aayan to sleep in. Aayan basically wakes up by 4:00am and doesn't go back to sleep till 1:00am the next night. That's how tight his schedule is.

"Nope, I already won your friend almost 10 times in card. So you could say, I am piped up" Aayan retorted.

"Not Ahmed. You probably lost but you will never tell us... You can't even win Aliyah in a card game, Aayan"

Aayan chuckled. "Is that a challenge? Because I love challenges"

"Take that as a challenge. Next weekend, I'll be the first face you see ready for a challenge"

The next hour was spent in Chairman Mukhtar convincing Aayan to drop off the package at his fiancée's house which Aayan openly refused at first. He didn't plan on seeing anyone outside the faces he knew for the first two months at home.

"Why can't you take it yourself?" Aayan asked. I mean, why did he have to be a chauffeur when the messenger could just drop his message.

"Aayan I am currently en-route to Katsina. This lawsuit is taking a lot of time"

After some pleading, bribing, and blackmailing, Aayan accepted to drop it off with the first person he sees in the house and then leave to which Mukhtar agreed.

He knew it was futile to try and convince Aayan anymore. He had already made up his mind.

"Safe Journey Chairman" Aayan said and ended the call as soon as Mukhtar answered with an 'Ameen'.

"So, what is it all about?" Ammi asked Aayan as if she was just waiting for him to wrap up so she could ask.
Ammi would always act oblivious when something was happening around her but bet everything on you that she is anxiously waiting to find out the gist.

"Chairman wants me to drop that whatever thing over at his fiancées'" Aayan simply replied settling back close to Ammi.

"I have something for her as well. Tell me when you are going" Ammi said and Aayan nodded sitting back close to her.


My favorite person right now- Aliyah.

Who is yours?


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