Down Bad

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"It's all about what you want, all the time! Do you ever for one think about my feelings?"

Emily's words rang through your ears. You hated that she was right. You were prioritizing your work and your friends over her. She finally had enough.

It was 12:00am, and you had just gotten home from a party that you didn't tell her you were going to.

"I was just hanging out with my friends after work! You're being a bit dramatic, Emily." you said, crossing your arms.

"Oh enough. I am not being dramatic."

You didn't say anything.

"This argument isn't going anywhere until you apologize to me."

"Well, dream on."

You storm up the stairs and start to get ready for bed. As you take off your makeup in the bathroom, you hear Emily getting into bed.

You head into the closet, changing into your pajamas. When you enter the bedroom, Emily is sitting in bed reading with her glasses on, the glow on the lamp drawing attention to her blonde hair in a messy bun. You almost commented on how adorable she looked, but then remembered she definitely wasn't in the mood to talk to you.

"If you say one more thing you're sleeping on the couch." she says coldly, her eyes still focused on her book.

That comment you did listen to, as you quietly made your way into the bed.

The next morning you woke up to an empty bed. You heard music blaring throughout the apartment. It sounded like "Part of Me" by Katy Perry.

You made your way to the small home gym Emily used occasionally to see her running at an insane speed on the treadmill. She was singing along to the lyrics as tears ran down her face.

"Emily, slow down. Let me talk to you, please?" you pleaded as you walked next to the treadmill.

She stopped singing but refused to speak, increasing the speed of the treadmill.

Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, pieces falling out from behind her ears as she ran.

"Emily I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, just please talk to me."

Still silence.

You went into the kitchen and started to make her breakfast. Maybe this would be a good way to communicate that you were sorry.

After about a half hour had gone by, Emily walked into the kitchen to see what you were doing.

"Em, I made you an açaí bowl."

"Hm, okay." she says with no emotion, sitting at the table to eat the breakfast.

"Are you ready to listen to my apology?"

"If that's really what it is...then sure I'm all ears." she says sarcastically, raising her eyebrows.

"I can admit that I was wrong, and that I should prioritize spending time with you. And I am sorry that I went to that party last night without telling you, that was rude and I am truly sorry." you took a deep breath in anticipation for her response.

"I don't accept your apology." she says, taking a spoonful out of her açaí bowl.

"Emily, what else do you want me to say?!"

"I can tell you don't mean it. Prove it to me that you really care about spending time with me." she finishes her bowl and heads toward the stairs.

"I'm taking a shower."

You're partially confused by her statement.

"...Do you want me to join you?" you ask hopefully.

"Ha, dream on."

She was obviously quoting what you said last night to mess with you. You thought you were the stubborn one, but I guess that makes both of you.

After you cleaned up the kitchen you go upstairs into the bathroom. Emily was still showering, and steam filled the bathroom.

"When you get out of the shower how about we go downtown together and shop. Is that something you would want?"

"No, I don't want to get spotted by paparazzi."

"Okay, fair enough. What about just hanging out together at home? We can watch a movie."

She was silent for a second.

"Yeah, I like that idea." she turns off the shower water and steps out, wrapping a towel around her body.

"So are you not mad at me anymore?" you ask in a quiet voice.

"We'll see."

she steps past you, kissing your cheek as she makes her way over to the sink to do her skincare.

You walk behind her and place a kiss on her shoulder, setting your chin down as you lock eyes with her in the mirror.

She turns around, putting her lips against your ear as she says, "Is there something you want?"

You feel your legs go weak at her words. She pulls  back and sets her hands on your waist as she looks into your eyes.

"Now look who's being quiet—."

You kiss her lips, interrupting her words. When you finally pull back you say, "I want you and I should've said it sooner."

She pulls your wrist, leading you into the bedroom.

Emily Blunt *one shots*Where stories live. Discover now