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(This is inspired by Maroon by Taylor Swift! In this story you and Emily are both in filming The Devil Wears Prada and have gotten really close over the course of the film.)


It was 9am when you arrived to set that day. You had walked over to your trailer to get your hair and makeup done when you noticed Emily already in costume standing right outside your trailer.

"Hey Em!" you exclaimed running to give her a hug, "Finally you got here! I've been bored out of mind!" She replied returning the hug. When you both pulled away from the hug you still held each other close, gazing into Emily's blue-green eyes.

"I'm going to go get ready, do you want to come with me?" I asked Emily. "I'd love to but I have to go shoot a scene. I'll catch up with around lunch?"
"Yeah! I'll see you later, have fun!"


It was now the end of the work day. We had stopped filming around 7pm but by the time i was out of hair, makeup and wardrobe it was close to 8:30pm. I was walked over to Emily's trailer, lightly knocking on the door.
"Just a second!" I heard Emily say from inside.

"Hey." Emily said with a sigh as she opened her trailer door. "Are you ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah, let's go."

Emily and I walked off the set and got a ride from a taxi back to my apartment. Emily was still living in London but I had been living in New York, so most nights we just hangout at my place so she didn't have to be alone in her hotel room.

As I unlocked my apartment door Emily asked, "Do you have any wine? Today was honestly so exhausting and I could definitely use a drink." I laughed in response and said, "I think I can find something."

I rummaged through the cabinets until I found some cheap wine my old roommate left in the apartment. "I think this will do." I said grabbing two glasses for us.

"So why was work so exhausting today?" I asked Emily, while I poured the wine.
"Well I just had to do a lot of scenes with Meryl and she's such an amazing actress it makes me wonder how the hell I am even remotely good enough to be in a film with her, you know?"
"Yeah I get it. I feel like that all the time, but Em you do realize that you are like crazy talented? I mean everyday we're on set someone different comes up to me and says 'did you see Emily?' or 'wow that Emily Blunt is sure a talented actress!' I mean you are just amazing! and everyone can see it."
I handed Emily her wine glass and then walked over to the couch.
"No way people don't not say that!" Emily said in disbelief, joining me on the couch.
"I'm serious Em!"
"Okay, we're done with this conversation."
Emily said taking a big sip of her wine.
"Okay. Fine." I said shrugging my shoulders in defeat. I leaning back onto the couch, my head resting on Emily's shoulder. She smelled like roses. Emily and I have been getting a lot closer but I'm starting to think my feelings are more than just platonic. She would never feel the same though.

Emily was playing with my hair as we curled up on the couch just rambling about our days and how much fun we've been having on set.
"Do you have something we could listen to music on?" Emily asked me randomly.
"Yeah, I have a record player over there." I replied, pointing across the living room to the small record player by my window.

Emily got up, riffling through my records until she settled for Something Stupid by Frank Sinatra, one of my personal favorites. I filled our wine glasses up with what could possibly be our fourth glass of wine, and stood up to join Emily.

The song started to play and we both swayed, taking a sip of our wine. Then we started to sing together which led to some clumsy dancing and Emily spilled a bit of her wine on my white sweatshirt. We both died laughing and she said, "Maybe we should set the drinks down for this."
"Yeah that's probably a good decision." I said taking my sweatshirt off, leaving me in a plain white tank top and gray sweat pants.

Emily took her hands in mine and we spun around the room dancing. I then moved my hand to her waist, and she moved one hand to my shoulder. We danced with our noses nearly touching until Emily decided to close the gap by pressing her lips to mine. I melted into the kiss running my hands through her hair. She touched my jaw lightly with her finger tips, deepening the kiss.

We pulled back breathless and I said, "I really like you Em. Like a lot."
"I know I really like you two." she said pulling me in for a quick kiss.

And that's the moment we fell for each other.

Emily Blunt *one shots*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin