Jody Moreno

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You were a stuntwoman dating a director, but the thing was, your relationship was a secret. You and Jody had been dating for only a few weeks, but you were completely captivated by her. She is so passionate about what she does, but she also has a soft spot for you.

It was the end of the work day and Jody was working on editing the third act in her trailer. You had been waiting for her to finish, but you were getting impatient so you left your trailer to go check on her.

"Jody?" you question, banging on her trailer door.

You heard no response, so you persisted to knock until she eventually swung the door open, an irritated expression was on her face, but all you saw was how perfect she looked. She was wearing a backwards baseball cap and her hair was falling out of its low bun. You reached out to touch a strand of her hair, but she gently moved your hand away, pulling you into her trailer.

"Have you been waiting for me?" she asked in a worried tone, wondering why you were at set for 4 hours longer than you needed to be.

"Uh yeah, I wanted to wait for you."

"Well that's very sweet," she says, kissing your cheek, "but I still have a bit of this to finish, do you want to hangout in here with me?"

"Sure, let me know if you need any words of wisdom." you replied with smile, flopping down onto her couch.

She grinned at you and then sat back down at her desk and put on her glasses to finish typing.

After a half hour went by of you two occasionally chatting about the script, Jody was still typing away on the laptop. You just wanted to actually spend time with her. She did look completely adorable with her glasses on, as she concentrated on the task at hand.


"Hm?" she replied with her eyes still fixed on the computer.

"Are you close to finishing?"

"Yeah, one second."

She typed one last sentence and then closed her laptop.

"Alright, I hope that's good enough." she said, her voice a little shaky. She stood up and paced around the trailer.

"Baby, are you okay?" you asked in a concerned voice, standing up and placing a hand on her shoulder to stop her pacing.

She stopped and turned her head around facing you, "I don't think I can do this, I don't even know what I'm doing and this whole thing is going sideways."

You took her hands in yours and rubbed your thumbs along the back of her hands in an attempt to calm her down.

"Jody, you are more than capable. I promise you, if you trust your gut this film will be everything you dreamed it to be."

She sighed, calming down slightly. She put her hands on either side of your face, bringing your lips to hers. You move your hands against her hips and then snake them around her waist to pull her closer.

She hums against your lips, leading you to slip your tongue past her lips. You pull back moving your lips onto her jaw and down her neck, and lingering on the spot that you know makes her weak in the knees.

"Y/n," she moans in a shaky breath, gripping onto the waist band of your jeans for support.

She wraps her leg around your waist and you stop kissing her neck to look into her eyes. You grab her other leg, picking her up and setting her on the counter.

She giggles, kissing your lips, but then pulling back quickly.

"Are you sure the movie is going to be good?" she asked quietly, her face centimeters away from yours. You could feel her breath against your lips.

You pecked her lips, "If you're directing it, I know it will be amazing because you so creative and wickedly smart."

She laughed, resting her head on your shoulder.

"Thank you." she mumbled into your shirt as you rubbed her back. You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms, until you both decided to head back to Jody's hotel room for the night.

Emily Blunt *one shots*Where stories live. Discover now