Chapter 79

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A long time ago, Qin Ge has asked a similar question.

When the two of them were just reunited, but Du You has yet to recover his memories.

Back then, he firmly rejected the idea of returning to the world of the apocalypse.


This time, however, Du You could not give an immediate answer.

He does not miss that world at all, but not Qin Ge.

Perhaps it is because he has lived in that world for a very long time, but then, so did he. Then, it might be something else.

But what would the reason be?

In any case, though, despite only recalling that past in fragmented memories, what he remembered are dissuading him from giving the same answer as the last time.

He decides to ask instead, “do you not want to stay instead?”

Wait, that is the wrong way to put it. He puts it another way, “when the black hole is gone, and the system has gathered enough points, we can meet back here.”

He wants to continue to stay in this world. If all Qin Ge wants is to stay by his side, then this is the best solution.

Yet, Qin Ge does not seem happy at the suggestion. He lowered his head.

He did not want such a compromise.

For him, Du You choosing to return back to the apocalypse with him is equivalent to choosing him; choosing to stay meant those cockroaches that are the people coming after Du You would continue to cling to him shamelessly.

What he wants, is solely for both gege and him to return to the apocalypse.

Though currently, it seems he will not budge.

Du You asks again, “is that fine?”

Qin Ge raises his head, staring into his eyes, and a while later, he smiles again, “mm.”


Is that an agreement?

It should be, but Du You wants to avoid ambiguities, so just in case, he confirms again, “you will return to the apocalypse first, correct?”

“I will.”

Then it is done. Perhaps that last bit of his offer worked, Du You thinks, and then tells him, “when it is all over, you can live in my house with me too.”

Now that three people have been dealt with, he just has to tell You Haoyu now.

Since his mind is now elsewhere, he fails to notice at all the rather complicated expression Qin Ge has, or the tensing atmosphere.

Later, Du You is having a hard time reaching You Haoyu.

He has phoned numerous times but nobody has ever picked up. Until most recently, when it went through but someone else picked up.

“Oh, Mr. Du, hello.”

It’s agent Wu.

“Hello,” then, he asks, “where’s You Haoyu?”

“He’s been really busy with the movie recently, and he’s taking a nap right now.”

While speaking, he glances over to his agent who has sunk into the backseat of the nanny van with his cap over his face and his chest rising up and down rhythmically.

There are staff rooms for actors in the studio, but they’re all for public use and mainly people apply and re-apply makeup in there. If one wanted to sleep in comfort it is better to be back in the van.

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