Chapter 76 (A & B)

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The sky gradually brightens.

In the Shen residence, the lady of the house has a regular schedule, and wakes up early every day. Her husband is still sleeping besides her, and, not wanting to wake him up, she gets out of bed as quiet as possible.

As the weather warms into the summer months, the sun is rising up earlier and earlier. Perhaps she is getting on the years herself, and she finds her sleeps getting lighter over the years. Right now, not even the maids are awake yet.

She walks downstairs to prepare herself a cup of tea. When she walks past the living room, she immediately notices the silhouette sitting dejectedly on the sofa.


She can't help but let out a small yip.

When the silhouette hears her, it doesn't react much in particular, only looking up at her before looking back down.

The living room lights are off. Though the sun is rising up, but the thick curtains are quite effective at blocking the light.

That is why she did not recognise immediately that this odd person sitting in the living room for no reason is actually her son.

When she finally realises who it is, she is relieved as she puts her hand to her chest, "why are you just sitting in silence so early in the morning over there?"

Shen Chen does not reply.

She walks over to realise he looks like he's practically in shock. His eyes are completely bloodshot as well, and the eyebags... He must have stayed awake all night.

She quickly takes a seat next to him on the sofa and asks, "what's wrong? What happened?"

Shen Chen finally seems like he registered what she said, and raises his head slightly to ask, "is it morning already?"

He ended up sitting here through the whole night.

Last night, even after he came home, his head remained blank. He couldn't think, or do, anything. After he sat down on the sofa, he stayed frozen up until now.

Though, today is another working day.

Shen Chen starts loosening his tie, and stands up, his legs slightly shaky from the stiffness, "I'll go get changed."

Though her mother asks quite perceptively when he turns around, "what happened between you and Youyou?"

Shen Chen pauses, then turns his head back to her, asking, "how did..."

He pauses, before continuing, "no. Nothing."

She smiles, "did you think you could deceive your own mother? I am quite sure work could not ever get you so bummed."

Shen Chen does not reply.

"I know, you're all grown up now, and there's not much I can help you with anything else," she continues, "if nothing else though, I can at least sit and be a good listener. There are some things that you could never say in the presence of outsiders, but, I'm your mom, so, what about it?"

Shen Chen "..."

He really needed someone to hear him out, true, and he wanted someone to point out the right path forward for him. But, despite being the CEO of the Shen Conglomerate, he didn't actually have any friends close enough that he could trust his private self with.

And being troubled by something like this? It is unbecoming of a CEO.


He knits his brows, "no, nothing, never mind."

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