Chapter 64

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The door behind him closes, and Du You has left Qin Ge’s home.

The system’s heightened senses are finally calming down, and remarks, “what a scare.”

Du You recalls the promise just now about eating roast chicken and assures him, “are you afraid of animals with sharp beaks? It’s alright, the head is removed from roast chickens.”

“The heck? I’m talking about Qin Ge,” says the system.

Just saying his name almost made it paranoid as if Qin Ge can hear it, and it looks around warily.

It decides to mentally project its messages instead [I thought you wouldn’t be able to leave today]

It felt that Qin Ge was this close to losing control when it heard its host reject his offer to stay. Qin Ge would make Du You stay by force and do this

and that

to him.

Although it is not sure which of the two of them is more powerful.

Du You did not hear its thoughts clearly in the latter half [Do what and what?]

System [Do… uhm, do…]

It can’t seem to find the right words, so instead, it decides to change the topic [Nevermind. Let’s go home]

Du You is already at his own mansion now.

He has switched off the lights before he went out so the house is still dark, but when he switches it back on, he can hear some noise inside.

Is Ryan awake already?

He goes into the living room. Ryan is still lying on his side on the sofa. His eyes are shut and his brows are in a deep furl. There is a layer of sweat on his forehead.

His whole body is really red as well.

Du You tries touching him and find him boiling. This is likely what humans would call a fever.

“A vet…”

“I told you you can’t!” Yells the system.

Plus the werewolf currently has his ear and tail out in his human form. If he sent him to a hospital he would probably scare the hell out of the doctors.

To attempt to get a better grasp of the situation the system decides to quickly go through ‘Take a Lover Home to Make Babies’ and search for ‘fever’ and other related terms. It understands now.

When a werebeast is severely injured, it is possible for them to develop fever-like symptoms in their recovery.

In the book, this occurred as a plot device to allow the Bottom to show his gentle and caring side taking care of downed werebeasts and to prove how he is not just there mooching off the tribe.

Though, apparently, Ryan has never ever had such a strong fever. It is probably because he has never been wounded to this degree before.

It’s probably a lost cause to teach its host patient care though. It would be better if he went to sleep instead.

The system is going to urge its host to head upstairs when he asks, “will he cool down if I throw him into cold water?”

The system gasps, “of course not! Are you trying to kill him?!”

Perhaps they were a bit too loud and the werebeast seems to be waking up. He’s moaning quietly.

Du You falls into thought for a bit before recalling something, and walks into the kitchen.

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