Chapter 21

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You Haoyu yells out before thinking after the fact that he was getting irrational. This man’s brain is already wired up wrongly from the beginning, saying something like the ‘parallel universe hypothesis’ like he’s serious. He really shouldn’t take it so personally.

He scrubs his face and calms down, saying, “… sorry,” and no matter what he has helped him out a lot both today and otherwise, “I’ll be borrowing the room for the night; I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

He is about to turn around and go back to the guest room when he hears another question, “did you leave Today to pursue an acting career.”

You Haoyu pauses before turning his head around to ask, “what makes you think that.”

Du You is looking at him as he says, “because you like acting.”


You Haoyu is speechless for a second before rubbing his hair in frustration, “didn’t you see the news online?”

“I did.”

“Then why would you think that someone like me can still be an actor?”

Du You doesn’t seem to get it, “the news was not the whole truth. So why not tell them the truth?”

“Because of the cost-effectiveness,” You Haoyu knits his brows, “I have irreconcilable differences with the management of the company, so they’ve wanted to kick me out for a long time now, while also using that to help cement the popularity of the rest of the band some more.”

“So are you quitting the entertainment industry?”

“I…” You Haoyu then reacts as he is about to say more, “are you a reporter? So many questions.”

“I want to see you act some more.”

You Haoyu is stunned suddenly hearing that.”

“Can you stay?”

This is the first time You Haoyu has heard someone say something like that to him.

A few moments later, he collects himself, and lowers his gaze. As if embarrassed, he even blocks his face with his hand, “you, like, why should I just stay because of something someone like you said.”

Then, he grips his fist tightly in his other hand, “I’ve already given up.”

Du You is disappointed, “why – is it the materials online, or the penalties?”

You Haoyu does not reply.

A fresh meat like him without any known connections will only ever be the manipulated in the entertainment industry. With that personality of his, even if it weren’t Crown Entertainment he ended up in, any company would have retired him for breaking character sooner or later.

He really didn’t care what strangers thought of him in this incident. He just, doesn’t want to go home, and face that pompous, disdainful attitude that father of his has towards him.

He can still remember what his father actually said to him, at just age seven.

“I’ve said you are not cut out to be an actor.”

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