Season 15 Episode 3: Unsinkable

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(The Team, with the exception of Maya and Ray, arrive at the Ninjago City Harbour.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Zane, would you do the honours?

(Zane presses a button as P.I.X.A.L. looks confidently into the sea and the Hydro Bounty emerges from below the water. All the Ninja gasp.)

Aya: (Shocked.) M-mama, I even can't build this fast!

P.I.X.A.L.: Because, while you built something with me. You always keep talking and talking too much. You didn't even doing attention on build something. (She crossed her arms with an angry face at her adopted daughter.)

Aya: (She nervously chuckles while scratches her hair.) Ehe-he..

Zane: Heard your mother said, My First Daughter.

Aya: Y-yes, papa. (Cole facepalms, Nya chuckles.)

Jay: I'm agreed to Aya. How did you get build this so fast?!

P.I.X.A.L.: (She turns around.) I had been tinkering with it in my spare time over the past several years.

Wu: It's amazing, P.I.X.A.L.

Caila: Yeah. You doing good job, Mama. (Smiled.)

(A/N: For the question, why Aya and Caila calling P.I.X.A.L. "Mama" and Zane "Papa" now? Because, I followed the country Japanese. The Daughters called their parents with the name "Mama and Papa". Because, it would sound cute or something else...and for Kazashi would stay called them "Mom and Dad".)

P.I.X.A.L.: I am proud to say it is one of the most sophisticated vessels I have designed.

Tyke: I'm sure it is, P.I.X.

P.I.X.A.L.: (She points at the vessel.) From my perspective, the Hydro Bounty is the most advanced model of undersea ships and is practically unsinkable.

Cole: (He examines the ship before looking back at P.I.X.A.L..) Uh, you know what happens when you call a vessel "unsinkable", right?

(P.I.X.A.L. is seen visibly confused and looks at Zane who is also seen as perplexed while everyone else cringes. Kazashi shakes her head as Lloyd motions for Cole to "zip it." And Aya glaring at Cole.)

Cole: Oh, it doesn't sink, of course. (Everyone nods in approval as Pixal smiles.)

Lloyd: (He jumps onto the ship with Nya, Jay, and Caila.) This is great, P.I.X.A.L. Just what we need.

Caila: We'll be able to follow the signal pretty easily with this.

Nya: (To Caila.) But how sure are you that the underwater pulse you guys saw is causing my powers to freak out?

Caila: I don't know, ask my Father.

Zane: Ninety-seven percent positive.

Kai: (Nods.) That's pretty positive.

Tyke: Good! Nothing's to worried about.

Nya: But what if my powers go crazy on me while we're down there? Maybe I should sit this mission out.

Jay: That's exactly why we need you to go! (He takes her hand.) You're the master of Water. There's no one more connected to the sea than you!

Aya: (Jumps on the Unsinkable beside Jay with Kazashi.) Yeah, I've know about what our elemental powers capable of. Jay is capable of with thunder while it was raining, like can control the lightning when the rainstorm coming on. And Kai, also can controls the fire flood last night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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