Season 12 Episode 1: Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?

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(in Ninjago City, a citizen playing Lava Zombies on his phone bumps into another citizen on her phone. They wave and move along. A noodle truck drives by. Clutch Powers finds the Teapot of Tyrahn and opens it, where a poof of orange smoke appears. Gayle Gossip walks by Laughs, where Dareth escorts two ladies out. He sees Gayle and chases after her. Jake is playing on his phone in a car driving by. Vinny has stopped by a noodle food cart and wafts in the noodle smell delightedly. Nelson and Antonia and team up to deliver newspapers throughout the city. Sammy waves as they both take of. Nina is seen helping a patient on the street with an ambulance behind her and Nelson waves at her.)

(At the Monastary. Lloyd gets inside to Caila's room talking about last time happened.)

Lloyd: Caila, please. It's not what you think about you saw in the Never-realm! (Caila walks leaving her room while pushes him away in harder way.) Please! (He takes her hand, Caila pull his hand away then she walks away..) no..

Nya: (Sees Caila.) Hey, are you okay? You've been acting like this so lately.

Caila: (Looks at Nya.) I'm okay. (Smiles.)

Nya: Are you sure?

Caila: Yep. (In her mind.) Actually, No.

(In Aya and Cole side.)

Cole: (Walk towards Aya who doing fixing from under the vehicles.) Hey, Aya.

Aya: (She glances at Cole and smiling.) Hey, Cole. What's up?

Cole: What are you doing?

Aya: Fixing your vehicle of course.

Cole: Really? Thank you.

Aya: No problem.

Cole: I wanted to say something... important.

Aya: Lead away. (While pushing the back board out.)

Cole: Um--

Zane: (In communication.) Guys, The Mechanic are escape and trying to destroy Ninjago.

Aya: (In communication.) Alright.

Cole: (Sighs. To himself.) I guessed later.

Kazashi: (To Kai.) Let's go Kai.

Kai: (Playing video games.) Just a few minutes.

Kazashi: (He shakes his head as he grabs Kai and drags him.)

Kai: Hey! Let me go!

(In Ninjago City, the Noddle Truck reappears and drives into an alley during the night. The Mechanic and his henchmen jump out from the back of the truck. The Mechanic uses his robot arm to break down the door of an old electronics warehouse.)

The Mechanic: We're in, boys!

Henchman 1: Huh, look at all this old junk.

The Mechanic: (Grabs him.) Just because it's old doesn't make it junk, just forgotten. (Tosses him away.) Find the motherboard! (See's it.) There! The top shelf.

(One of his henchmen puts up a ladder and climbs it. He loses his balance when grabbing the box and everything in it comes crashing down. He lands inside a box of Styrofoam and The Mechanic grabs him out and tosses him away.)

The Mechanic: Careful with those!

Henchman 2: What are we looking for, Boss?

The Mechanic: (He eyes the motherboards scattered and picks one up.) This is it. A needle in a haystack. A very, very valuable needle. (Lights immediately turn on and they cover their eyes.)

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