Season 15 Episode 1: A Big Splash

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(Near a village outside Ninjago City, some farmers tend to their crops. Some trucks screech to a halt near them, and some henchmen get off. One of them knocks on the back of a truck.)

Henchman #1: All clear, boss! (Gets smacked by the opening truck doors.) Ah! (He groans on the ground.)

Miss Demeanor: (Blows a bubble of gum before it pops and she jumps out.) What am l doing out here? Ah, I hate the country. I'ma city girl. New rule! From now on, we only commit crimes in the city! Unless they pay triple.

Henchman #1: Uh, they are paying triple, Mrs. Demeanor.

Miss Demeanor: It's not Mrs. Demeanor, it's Miss Demeanor! (She fires her flamethrower at her henchman.) How many times do I have to say it?

Henchman #1: Sorry, Miss Demeanor.

Miss Demeanor: Why'd they want to meet out here anyway? We're in the middle of nowhere!

Henchman #2: Probably so those nosy Ninja don't find us.

Lloyd: Too late for that!

(Lloyd, Aya, Kai, and Jay dramatically reveal themselves from their village clothing.)

Henchman #1: The Ninja!

Tyke: (Appears on the Henchman's shoulder.) Uh, I'm here to you know. I thought everyone got the memo at this point.

Henchman #1: Ah! Little snake! (He starts running around.) So gross, get it off!

Miss Demeanor: Ooh, I've been waiting for this! (The four look at her confusedas Tyke appears on Lloyd's shoulder.) I've worked so hard to make it to the top.

Jay: Uh.

Aya: I already don't like them.

Kai: (Lloyd looks at him.) I'm not even going to say.

Miss Demeanor: And it's actually happening! Oh, wait, wait, wait, I had a line for this. Oh yeah, I've got a warm welcome planned! (She fires her flamethrowers at them.) Get the trucks out of here. You four, get the Ninja!

Jay: (He hits away a thug.) I don't get it. Why do we fight common thugs so often?

Kai: (He grunts as he throws his sword.) Not everyone can get their hands on an army that isn't human, Jay.

Aya: Yeah! I admitted it!

Lloyd: Not to mention the fact of who else would want to commit a crime for Ninjago's doom? (He trips a thug and throws away his wooden bat.) Thugs or criminals, whoever they can get their hands on first. (Aya uses her long sun blaster towards the truck.)

Miss Demeanor: So long, Ninja! I hope our paths cross again! (She laughs as she gets away, but Cole appears driving his cycle.)

Cole: How's this? Too soon?

Caila: (Through communication.) Just in time, you'll have to block her before she gets away.

Cole: On it. (He fires at the trucks, two of which are disabled. Miss Demeanor fires at him, knocking his dirt bike over.)

Miss Demeanor: (Laughing) Nice try, Ninja! You almost had me!

Cole: (He looks down to see Vengestone on the ground.) Vengestone?

Lloyd: (Running up with the others.) Caila, Kazashi, Nya, Zane, they're headed your way. Cut them off.

Kazashi: What about you?

The Destiny [Ninjago + 3 Oc]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें