Magic Paw Tales: Experimental Mutant Plants Escaped

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(scene opens showing Mason with Willow, Venus, and Hex in his archipelago universe where they are working together to make a greenhouse like structure)

Venus: Ooh! So what's this one Mason?

Mason: Thanks for helping girls! Also I decided to ask for company and help to construct a new Magic Paw Greenhouse!

Venus: Sweet!

Mason: (nods) Once we're done it'll be mass produced! Just like all the others!

Hex: (giggles) Mom will be quite happy to have a new place for gardening and stuff!

Venus: (giggles) Yep!

Mason: (finishes construction) The Magic Paw Greenhouse is now complete! (sends it to be mass produced)

(scene changes to Mason and Venus settling up a Magic Paw Greenhouse beside the Magic Paw Recycling Center/Scrapyard while Hex watches)

Venus: Nice!

Mason: It'll sure make things interesting!

(the trio enter finding three plants already inside the Magic Paw Greenhouse)

Venus: (surprise) Where'd those three plants come from?

Mason: Oh, those are just a few slightly mutant plants I decided to put here!

Hex: Plenty of space here! (leaps onto a table then approaches a seemingly harmless cactus)

Mason: (shouts) Hex! Get away from that cactus

Hex: (immediately jumps back before the cactus nearly gives her an uppercut) (surprised) Whoa! (panting) That cactus nearly punched me!

Mason: It's part saguaro cactus and mantis shrimp!

Hex: (slowly steps away from the cactus) Noted!

Mason: It punches like a mantis shrimp in self defense and the cactus spines add extra trouble!

Hex: (nods) What about the other two plants?

Mason: Oh! The watermelon is part piranha!

Venus: Why?

Mason: (shrugs) I saw the piranha cabbage on Courage the Cowardly Dog so I decided to make a piranha watermelon! Fortunately it's the only one!

Venus: Interesting yet very dangerous!

Mason: (walks over to the piranha watermelon) All good! (pulls a pineapple from his satchel and feeds it to the piranha watermelon)

Piranha watermelon: (eagerly eats the pineapple)

Mason: I trained it to never eat living creatures, however it's still fond of fish?

Hex: (walks toward the piranha watermelon) You sure? (licked by a panting piranha watermelon) (giggles) Aww, like a big puppy! (pets the piranha watermelon)

Venus: (looks over at the last plant which is a pumpkin) And the pumpkin?

Mason: Part pumpkin and crab!

(the pumpkin reveals its crab-like legs and has four leaves that are like crab claws)

Venus: It has four claws?

Mason: I was being creative!

Hex: Ooh! Creative for sure!

Mason: I was just leaving these three here for now and planning to take them home for safe disposal!

Hex: (sneaks off going back toward the punching cactus)

Venus: (notices Hex wandered off) Hex, where are you?

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