PTSD from the war and Dessert

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2 months after the war

Y/n pov
I stared out the window just expecting a second ambush. I haven't been able to sleep properly since the war ended and it was taking a massive toll my mental health big time. I lost 95% of my soldiers and luckily all the people Charlie recruited survived. I've been more silent than normal which Charlie and the others were beginning to worry about me for I had no idea how to deal with all of this currently. I heard what war can do to a person's mind. I looked at my father's helmet and asked quietly "How were you able to get past something like this?" Charlie has taken it upon herself to do therapy sessions with the other residents. I've been missing my therapy sessions with Charlie for I fear of even trying to explain my thoughts on everything that's bothering me. Charlie is older then me and are better equipped with the tools necessary to deal with a loss this big. I remembered seeing the amount of blood and gore. I suddenly felt the urge to vomit which I ran into the bathroom and vomited my insides into the toilet bowl. I kept vomiting until I had the dry heaves. I weakly stood up and had to use the wall to support my weight." I made my way over to the bedroom I was in for I couldn't even sleep with Charlie or anyone for I fear I'll just keep her up the whole night with those damn nightmares of the war." I was having some serious PTSD from that war. If Lucifer seen me he would ask how am I even alive even." I slowly made it to the bed but tripped and fell which my head struck the bed post and I couldn't even feel the pain from it. I was that far gone by this point.

Lucifer pov
I was in my throne room deep in thought when I heard the throne door open I was about to go kill whoever it was until I seen who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes because i haven't seen her in centuries. I heard her heels clack and I ran over and tackled my Ex-Wife into a hug. She patted my head and said "There...There Luci...I'm here to stay...permanently." My eyes teared up because i couldn't hold my tears anymore and apologized to Lilith repeatedly. She comforted me until my phone rang. I pulled it out and seen that my daughter was calling I was stoked to tell her that her mother was home.

I answered it and put it on speaker and excitedly said "HELLOOO CHAR-" my daughter cut me off and said "Dad...can you talk to Y/n for me?" We both heard the concern and worry in her voice. So I asked "What happened with Y/n dear?" She replied "Y/n hasn't came out of his room ever since that war ended...and when I go check on him it's like he isn't even there...his eyes are glazed over and everything...he hasn't even ate in a month...Can you please talk to him...I'm afraid for him currently...I feel like he is just gonna fall over and die." I said "Of course my little you know what room he's in? She said "he's in room 928."

I hung up and said "Y/n wasn't nowhere near prepared for this war and was just thrown into it and seeing so many people in front of his eyes die most likely traumatized him Leviathan was the same after the first war for almost an Eon. Poor child didn't deserve to experience all of this at such a young age." I looked at Lilith and asked "Are you gonna come with...I feel like you'll be a great help coming from a mother's perspective." Lilith nodded and said "yeah I'll come...after all  that kid is the whole reason I returned. He knew when Adam would die that I'll be forced to come back." I nodded and tapped my cane on the ground and we were transported right outside his room.

I knocked and said "Y/n we're coming in alright." We received no response so I opened the door and the first thing we seen was how messy the room was...Y/n typically likes to keep things clean." We heard a small grunt and seen a hand start raising up and place itself on the bed. Lilith ran over and shouted "Y/N ARE YOU OK?!?" I heard the panic in her voice so I ran over and seen Lilith help Y/n up and I didn't waste a second more. I grabbed Y/n's other arm and helped him up. we seen a massive gash on the left side of the skull. I bent down and snapped my fingers a couple times and it seemed to wake him up a bit but he had bags under his eyes. He said "What...the hell are you doing here bird brain?" I was about to show him what for because of that insult but Lilith softly said "Luci don't...Y/n clearly has no idea what's going on...he's totally sleep deprived and he became extremely frail and thin...Y/n is traumatized big keep you emotions in check Luci." I sighed and nodded and Y/n slowly got up and stumbled over to the window and I asked calmly "Y/n what are you doing?" He said "They're coming...I-I-I just know it. They want me...dead for killing...Adam. I ready." Lilith said "Lucifer he's hallucinating big time...His mom mentioned they weren't gonna attack anytime soon for Pentious arrived in Heaven.

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